3 years ago


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Love God Guns and Trump. Never was politically active until I saw the lies attacks, corruption and treasonists. Time 4 wholesale changes.

Love God Guns and Trump. Never was politically active until I saw the lies attacks, corruption and treasonists. Time 4 wholesale changes.

I just sent this to PETA.
You can reach them at 757 622 7382

As a dog lover and patriot I am pissed at so many things, but leaving the service dogs behind is treason. They ARE soldiers.

Light these peeps up in unison. Text of my email:

Where are your voices?
Where is your outrage?
Why are you not at the forefront decrying this?

Service dogs are soldiers.
Service dogs are highly trained.
Service dogs are very expensive and well worth it to tax payers.
Service dogs save human soldiers.
Service dogs are in the foxhole providing comfort to human soldiers.

Why are you not screaming foul?

Are you complicit??

If not what are you doing to speak out; show out and DEMAND justice for these heroic canine soldiers?

You must get out front and demand that these canines are brought home.


Love God Guns and Trump. Never was politically active until I saw the lies attacks, corruption and treasonists. Time 4 wholesale changes.

if you dont know him do your digging and follow.
Fire breather extraordinaire

Love God Guns and Trump. Never was politically active until I saw the lies attacks, corruption and treasonists. Time 4 wholesale changes.

Fraudcie lied people died. He hid HCQ under a cloak of lies even though he wrote of its efficacy against cov in 2005. He knew there was a cure.
Orange man bad............let's coordinate and build a virus to take him down making a fortune off of jabs. F the people, we won't get caught and if we do MSM will lie and cover for us.
Spread this link.

Love God Guns and Trump. Never was politically active until I saw the lies attacks, corruption and treasonists. Time 4 wholesale changes.

Here is a link to a compilation VAERS report drawn from the CDC website. The CDC makes it incredibly difficult to decipher their posted data......on purpose, I'm sure as they do not want us to know the truth about these so called vax's that are really a deception to lure sheeple into the web. The incidence of ADVERSE EFFECT including death is alarming high, and growing exponentially by the month, but sheeple do not know this and when asked they seem unaffected and continue to trust MSM and peer pressure to take the jab. I asked someone if they had done any research on the jab prior to taking it this coming Saturday May 1. They replied "yes". I then asked them to tell me about the VAERS data and what they thought about it. They said " Bayer aspirin?, no I have never heard of VAERS only Bayer". Even after explaining they line up to be a guinea pig.


AN anon compiles the data making it user friendly. Here is the link:

Love God Guns and Trump. Never was politically active until I saw the lies attacks, corruption and treasonists. Time 4 wholesale changes.

It is hard to hear the truth sometimes. Here is a severe dose with one of THE best explanations of what the vax actually does when in your cells. If you are not following Dr Charlie Ward you should as he puts out some great content.

People are lining up to get the vax, doing no research, doing it while pregnant. It is FN insane. The CDC is lying, and hiding the VAERS data which NO ONE is talking about.


W T A F ??

Love God Guns and Trump. Never was politically active until I saw the lies attacks, corruption and treasonists. Time 4 wholesale changes.

This is a huge WOW for our fellow humnas in CANADA
WTF !!

If they take our weapons they will take our lives.

Love God Guns and Trump. Never was politically active until I saw the lies attacks, corruption and treasonists. Time 4 wholesale changes.

Dr Shiva ran for Senate in 2018. He is the inventor of email and holds muliple PHD's from MIT. The DS ran the same voter scam on his election, but he too caught them all and is ahead of the curve in his lawsuits to oveturn. THIS IS A MUST WATCH and share video. If you are NOT following, now is a good time to begin. Dave's work is outstanding

Love God Guns and Trump. Never was politically active until I saw the lies attacks, corruption and treasonists. Time 4 wholesale changes.

The only honest thing I have heard come out of Asshat Joey Bribes is........ as he looks earnestly into the camera lense:

" We have put together the most comprehensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics"

He is not the President.
Trump is.

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou

Nana thx@filmflam

Love God Guns and Trump. Never was politically active until I saw the lies attacks, corruption and treasonists. Time 4 wholesale changes.

Here is the FBI 2019 data.
They use the AR to get at your handguns.
Check out death by:
Blunt objects
Hands fists Feet

Should we not regulate those as well as they accounted for more death than an AR?

Its a hoax folks......................just like the plandemic

Love God Guns and Trump. Never was politically active until I saw the lies attacks, corruption and treasonists. Time 4 wholesale changes.

Joe wont talk about this .............does not want you to see it or know it.
Wants to exempt vax makers from liability, yet make gun manufacturers liable for people that use them for evil.

Love God Guns and Trump. Never was politically active until I saw the lies attacks, corruption and treasonists. Time 4 wholesale changes.

As painful as it is I always like to hear it from the person rather than the cut and paste jobs that are done by media and the presented to fit their narrative.
He lies
He lies....................... and he lies. If his lips are moving...............he is lying.

Wants to sue gun manufacturers, but not vax makers.
Says his numer one job is to protect you, but lets 250,000 illegals come to USA in March alone.


#2nd amendment.

Biden announces new gun restrictions, calls for ban on assault weapons - YouTube

President Biden, Vice President Harris and Attorney General Merrick Garland deliver remarks on gun violence prevention. #FoxNews #BidenSubscribe to Fox News!...

Love God Guns and Trump. Never was politically active until I saw the lies attacks, corruption and treasonists. Time 4 wholesale changes.

Here si the Spars 2025 2028 Document
Flat our scary. Exact to what we are experiencing now, but writtten and gamed out in 2017.

Love God Guns and Trump. Never was politically active until I saw the lies attacks, corruption and treasonists. Time 4 wholesale changes.

Another proof of the PLANDEMIC Spars 2025 2028. It s a 90 page document penned by guess who.....John Hopkins, Gates et al. It is the road map exact mirror of what we are in now and it predates Event 201. A must watch and pass on.

Only followers of this user (@MrDeeds1111) can see their posts

Love God Guns and Trump. Never was politically active until I saw the lies attacks, corruption and treasonists. Time 4 wholesale changes.

See what I mean?

Love God Guns and Trump. Never was politically active until I saw the lies attacks, corruption and treasonists. Time 4 wholesale changes.

It is obvious to all of us, that the DS is in a fog as there is no way what this clown wants to happen, will be allowed to happen. Remember it was Hitler that said:
"in order to control the population, you first must disarm it". Good luck with that as the population has more guns and ammo every day, and every time gun control is bantered about in politics we simply buy more. Gonna take an army, but the populace is greater in numbers and has more arms. Hence why the 2nd amemdment was wrtitten. It is there to protect us from them.

Take a read on the mastermind clown:

If you search Project Lock Step you will see the Rottenfellers built this plan many years ago...... the sick F's.

Love God Guns and Trump. Never was politically active until I saw the lies attacks, corruption and treasonists. Time 4 wholesale changes.

Dr. Michael Yeadon is the former Head of Respiratory Research and Vice President of Pfizer. He has a degree in biochemistry and toxicology, a research-based PhD in respiratory pharmacology, has spent over 30 years leading new medicines research in the pharmaceuticals industry, and founded his own biotech company which he sold to the world’s biggest drug company Novartis in 2017.

Love God Guns and Trump. Never was politically active until I saw the lies attacks, corruption and treasonists. Time 4 wholesale changes.


“I’m well aware of the global crimes against humanity being perpetrated against a large proportion of the worlds population. I have absolutely no doubt that we are in the presence of evil (not a determination I’ve ever made before in a 40-year research career) and dangerous products."

“In the U.K., it’s abundantly clear that the authorities are bent on a course which will result in administering ‘vaccines’ to as many of the population as they can. This is madness, because even if these agents were legitimate, protection is needed only by those at notably elevated risk of death from the virus. In those people, there might even be an argument that the risks are worth bearing. But all the other people, those in good health and younger than 60 years, perhaps a little older, they don’t perish from the virus. In this large group, it’s wholly unethical to administer something novel and for which the potential for unwanted effects after a few months is completely unchar

Love God Guns and Trump. Never was politically active until I saw the lies attacks, corruption and treasonists. Time 4 wholesale changes.

I have seen photographic evidence of loser barry and fraudcy at the Wuhoo lab during the time frame in which we ended GAIN OF FUNCTION rresearch in the USA due to get this......SAFETY, but then funded WuHoo Lab 3.5 milly for same.
Bannon and Navarro go scorched earth on the truth.

Love God Guns and Trump. Never was politically active until I saw the lies attacks, corruption and treasonists. Time 4 wholesale changes.

Love God Guns and Trump. Never was politically active until I saw the lies attacks, corruption and treasonists. Time 4 wholesale changes.

i am in San Diego today. Does anyone else see the mass chem trail dumps that began this morning in a perfect blue sky scenario which is now a sky full of haze? We have witnessed at least 20 planes criss crossing the sky leaving a trail that dissipates slowly into a haze blanket from early am to now 4pm. We want the flawless blue sky back. Last two flights about 30 minutes ago heading north. Sumpin just aint right. if you are in socal look up at the sky. those are chem trail cloud haze......not god made clouds.

Truther, Patriot! Seeking Justice for All!🐸 🇺🇸#WWG1WGA #SaveTheChildren

Love God Guns and Trump. Never was politically active until I saw the lies attacks, corruption and treasonists. Time 4 wholesale changes.

Homicide data table from FBI shows deaths from rifles in 2019 was 364, while death by someones fists/feet was 600. Shall we license and tax our hands and feet or cut them off? Afterall they are lethal weapons in 600 cases; 236 times more frequently used than rifles in fatal encounters. Dont kid yourself, propaganidize the assualt weapon, whatever that is, as a means to get your pistols as 6368 died by handguns in 2019. We must push back. Chyden is illegit. ANything he signs is lawless as he is NOT our Prez. Pass it far and wide.

Love God Guns and Trump. Never was politically active until I saw the lies attacks, corruption and treasonists. Time 4 wholesale changes.

From Qtah on Tele.
Note: "76 aborted fetus's were used"

Gotta end this shart

Love God Guns and Trump. Never was politically active until I saw the lies attacks, corruption and treasonists. Time 4 wholesale changes.

I have come to the sad conclusion that Sheeple are gonna sheep. No matter how much you try to get them to investigate and critical think the vax, they line up anyway. Most, if not all, not wanting to know, or doing any work to find out the what and why of it all. They fail to realize THEY ARE the "animal trials" step that was skipped to get the EUA, which is NOT FDA approval. Even if they do they still want the jab. Some are actually paying for the jab as insurance won't cover? They think they now have immunity from convid? They don't understand how the "variant" play will be made to get more fear and more sheeple lining up for more vaxs. How many vaxs do they plan to take? IT IS 99% SURVIVABLE and they need a jab that is 95% effective? The phrase "the ending won't be for everyone" is taking on an entire new meaning.


Love God Guns and Trump. Never was politically active until I saw the lies attacks, corruption and treasonists. Time 4 wholesale changes.

Straight From NIH – Facemasks Are Ineffective To Block Transmission Of Viral Infections And Have Devastating Long Term Consequences…
Source: NIH -

Many countries across the globe utilized medical and non-medical facemasks as non-pharmaceutical intervention for reducing the transmission and infectivity of coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19). Although, scientific evidence supporting facemasks’ efficacy is lacking, adverse physiological, psychological and health effects are established. Is has been hypothesized that facemasks have compromised safety and efficacy profile and should be avoided from use.

Love God Guns and Trump. Never was politically active until I saw the lies attacks, corruption and treasonists. Time 4 wholesale changes.

Outstanding video on what the vax actually is doing in terms of compromising voluntneers overall immune system. While at the same time we see Fraudcie saying he wants to vax 6 mos old children ASAP. WTF