I have come to the sad conclusion that Sheeple are gonna sheep. No matter how much you try to get them to investigate and critical think the vax, they line up anyway. Most, if not all, not wanting to know, or doing any work to find out the what and why of it all. They fail to realize THEY ARE the "animal trials" step that was skipped to get the EUA, which is NOT FDA approval. Even if they do they still want the jab. Some are actually paying for the jab as insurance won't cover? They think they now have immunity from convid? They don't understand how the "variant" play will be made to get more fear and more sheeple lining up for more vaxs. How many vaxs do they plan to take? IT IS 99% SURVIVABLE and they need a jab that is 95% effective? The phrase "the ending won't be for everyone" is taking on an entire new meaning.