Angela Hart
4 days ago

Angela Hart

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There were a few users 2 days ago that posted a period but were brand new accounts. Almost looked like bots to me. Unless you have a list with names and numbers assigned, it's too hard to follow that video. Also didn't even see my name on that list any where.

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication


In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

So just because your X account is ending on 11/22 doesn't mean you aren't getting a new assignment that will be similar, but different. We'll see what's in store for you. You won't be able to stay away from us. You share a special place in history.

You'll have to come back to do the final VK StoryTime. We'd like to know more about what you witnessed.

Sometimes change is good. I think many are ready for that change.

You know you aren't going any where. You will still be here. Home is where your heart is.

Where We Go 1 We Go All.

In response Carla Zillman to her Publication

Just know that the Telegram account is not his. One of them posts the screenshots, the other fake posts like it's him and another tries to sell stuff. He's not on Telegram.

In response Sneakers 359 to his Publication

He did a semi reveal, October 31.

Down 30+ Pounds on the Carnivore Diet.
Determined to leave this host with a Six Pack.

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

He should have said Tucker Trump X vibes.

222 vs 2224

222 vs 226

Diff 4 = 2 * 2

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

I wonder when it finally grows out if you will end up with NO scar. Sometimes when they use stitches, it puts the skin into a wrong location, causing a scar.

Q 1201
TRUMP card coming.

In response Q_KingDavid 0o0 to his Publication


In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

Cheer up and LOSE that fear. Get back over to X. Don't let superstitions hold you back.

In response Q_KingDavid 0o0 to his Publication

😂😂Will you get suspended for appealing? 😂😂

In response Q_KingDavid 0o0 to his Publication

Did you appeal?

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

VK TS 1000
Orig TS of Xeet shown 8:51
Time Diff 1 H 09 M

Q 109
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, by the power of God, cast down to Hell Satan and all his evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Amen brother.

VK TS 1000
# views shown in pic 106.5K

Diff is 65

Q 65
Three letter agency embedded tracking/up-channel into POTUS' Twitter to specifically target through specialized geo and send his location.
We anticipated this (see post a few hours ago).
It has begun.
Perhaps more posts to follow as expected imminent departure.

[They] are changing the meta data on the the location on photos. or so they think. We will send the correct data attached to them. It won't work.

It's more fun to block the image of the person or make them invisible. So many ways to mess with the

In response Free Bird to her Publication

I don't think Elon is involved in that agenda. He's trying to recoup some of his losses. He won't make money in that other agenda.

There is talk that he's going to buy another big business.

In response Courtney Webster to her Publication

Makes you wonder if he's creating a fake fall then scooping in once everyone else starts bailing and it drops even more.


Would rather think he's investing it in something else.

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

You mean the little planned disclosure coming Monday.

Q 750
Our attack on big pharma came w/ a warning letter today.
Message received.
Response forthcoming.
My Xeet 4:53 PM 8/15
This post 7:50 AM 8/17
Time Diff 1 D 2 H 57 M

Q 1257

His sole purpose [WH visit] is to convince POTUS, on behalf of the EU, to remain in the Iran deal.
You decide.

What’s at risk?
$250B x 2 / year.
What the taxpayers don’t know.
Why aren’t NK developments receiving WW praise?
We endure.

Hostage no more.

[They] are looking for a deal. NO DEAL.


In response Courtney Webster to her Publication

I actually pinged him back then posted my ping on another comment since he [0] with me on my ping. Not only did he [0] with me on it but hit the like. He has since deleted his tweet.

Things that make you go HMMMMMM................

In response Mandy ... to her Publication

I play all position offense and defense. It depends on what's going on. Do I need to allow something to catch someone or do I need to fight back when I've had enough. Or do I need to just lie low out of sight.

So it depends on the stage of the game I am at, but you come at me, and I will make you STAND DOWN!

In response James Dean to his Publication

I don't know if what Stew says is accurate. When I had viewed the video yesterday, I did not notice anyone of the babies moving. Just a very weird and disturbing video either way.

In response Jason VanDerpoel to his Publication

Looks like he's telling us how AI will end, with its destruction. Love his choice of words though. "Take with you all the fighting men and go up against Aʹi. See, I have handed over to you the king of Aʹi, his people, his city, and his land."

So we are battling Satan's AI but HE's handing us the victory over it.

Also, look at AI See, even though it's 2 sentences read without the end of the sentence. Is that anything like the Holy See? Funny play on words. 💖Love it!💖

Through GOD'S eyes...


In response Mandy ... to her Publication

Is the dose too high? it should go by weight.

In response Mandy ... to her Publication

It might last up to a week but will then subside. It's working when it's killing stuff off. If you stop midstream, they just get angrier. Need to kill them all.

In response bhagood 123 to his Publication

I have a folder of Q drops that I [0] delta'd with.

Here is one.

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

Looks like it adds up to his favorite number, 17.


That's been up for a while. Waiting on what it goes up to today. I already upped mine after yesterday.

In response Jason VanDerpoel to his Publication

I just posted this scripture on Twitter.

Many are seeing what's going on behind the scenes. The girls rescued yesterday will be fine.

When you NEED or if you WANT additional help, just ASK.

The EBS is being broadcast to everyone whose heart is in the right place. Some hearts and minds have been blinded.

Until their power is completely stripped, there only so much we can do.

Revelation 21:3
With that I heard a loud voice from the throne say: “Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his people. And God himself will be with them.
8:15 AM · Jun 1, 2023

In response Mandy ... to her Publication

So cute.

In response LightHeartAnon • LHA to her Publication

Followed you Lit Heart.

Now we will be Hart to Heart.😄

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

A tool is someone who lacks the capacity to realize they are being used by someone else. A fool. This person might have low intelligence and/or self-esteem.

Tool refers to a foolish person.

Tool is an internet slang term that refers to an insecure person, usually male, who is controlled by others.

Amazing how the back of the truck was used to pull from the front. Interesting how the weight counter balanced.

Nothing like flipping the definition.
My take him out tweet 10:58 AM 5/19
This tweet 02:36 PM 5/17
Time Diff 1 D 20 H 22 M

Q 1222
Think public & private Twitter accounts.
They all have them.
These people are stupid.
We have it all.

In response LightHeartAnon • LHA to her Publication

He's being true to himself and not the money.

Soros sold his Tesla stock as a result. Soros thinks he can control Elon with his money. He even convinced others to sell their stock

Instead you will see all us LITTLE people come to his support. He's not alone. OUR money rules not theirs.

The revelation that billionaire George Soros' investment management firm sold off its entire Tesla stake last quarter seemingly kicked off an otherwise unprompted attack from Elon Musk, but the firm is one of many that sold off loads of Tesla shares last quarter, cashing in on the stock's nearly 70% rise following its dismal 2022 performance, according to regulatory filings.

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

Do people actually say pair of scissors and not just scissors?

In response James Dean to his Publication

My first guess is that maybe they are experimenting with a Covid vaccine for horses.

The other issue might be the same thing they did to the chicken feed last year. They could have changed the formula for the food and added a chemical that's extremely toxic to them.

The other obvious option would be there is someone who is desperate to win and poisoned them.

Every year it seems the deaths of horses at these races is not worth having the event any more. Too many die every year.