Kate Blessed
3 years ago

Kate Blessed

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Follower of Jesus, & believer in God's Plan. Flawed but Forgiven. Forever thankful. All glory & credit goes to Him. Always.

Follower of Jesus, & believer in God's Plan. Flawed but Forgiven. Forever thankful. All glory & credit goes to Him. Always.

Love God #FamilyisEverthing Love my Country #GodAlwaysWins 🙏🏼🙌🏼💖🇺🇸


Follower of Jesus, & believer in God's Plan. Flawed but Forgiven. Forever thankful. All glory & credit goes to Him. Always.

Follower of Jesus, & believer in God's Plan. Flawed but Forgiven. Forever thankful. All glory & credit goes to Him. Always.

The waves obeyed Him
The water turned for Him
Fish & bread multiplied for Him
Atoms solidified water for Him

The Earth shook violently &
trembled for Him when He died.

But yet, we, the very ones whom He brutally died for - still question Him

Follower of Jesus, & believer in God's Plan. Flawed but Forgiven. Forever thankful. All glory & credit goes to Him. Always.

Silent Saturday

I keep thinking about it. People felt true, absolute darkness. No hope.

Even then, was it really? On the surface, yes. But what was God doing?

Fulfilling his promise. 1,000s of souls finally went to Heaven on this day. Just as He promised, their Savior had came

Follower of Jesus, & believer in God's Plan. Flawed but Forgiven. Forever thankful. All glory & credit goes to Him. Always.

Follower of Jesus, & believer in God's Plan. Flawed but Forgiven. Forever thankful. All glory & credit goes to Him. Always.

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

Jesus 2.0

When the speed of light travels so fast that it actually becomes energy instead of mass

Jesus’ death put a reversal in Satan’s plan. Time kept moving forward, but His path, while moving forward, moved backwards as well, undoing all evil

It’s the literal “V”

Follower of Jesus, & believer in God's Plan. Flawed but Forgiven. Forever thankful. All glory & credit goes to Him. Always.

Follower of Jesus, & believer in God's Plan. Flawed but Forgiven. Forever thankful. All glory & credit goes to Him. Always.

Follower of Jesus, & believer in God's Plan. Flawed but Forgiven. Forever thankful. All glory & credit goes to Him. Always.

Follower of Jesus, & believer in God's Plan. Flawed but Forgiven. Forever thankful. All glory & credit goes to Him. Always.

Follower of Jesus, & believer in God's Plan. Flawed but Forgiven. Forever thankful. All glory & credit goes to Him. Always.

Follower of Jesus, & believer in God's Plan. Flawed but Forgiven. Forever thankful. All glory & credit goes to Him. Always.

When people say, “Everything is safe and sound!” destruction will suddenly strike them. It will be as sudden as labor pains come to a pregnant woman. They won’t be able to escape.
1 Thessalonians 5:3

Follower of Jesus, & believer in God's Plan. Flawed but Forgiven. Forever thankful. All glory & credit goes to Him. Always.

When does a coincidence not become a coincidence any more?

‘Jesus spoke to the Pharisees again.

He said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will have a life filled with light and will never live in the dark.”’

-John 8:12

Follower of Jesus, & believer in God's Plan. Flawed but Forgiven. Forever thankful. All glory & credit goes to Him. Always.

“Then Christ will live in you through faith. I also pray that love may be the ground into which you sink your roots and on which you have your foundation.”
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭3:17‬

Follower of Jesus, & believer in God's Plan. Flawed but Forgiven. Forever thankful. All glory & credit goes to Him. Always.

“Then the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the earth  and blew the breath of life into his nostrils. The man became a living being.”
Genesis 2:7

Follower of Jesus, & believer in God's Plan. Flawed but Forgiven. Forever thankful. All glory & credit goes to Him. Always.

A third tree. A bridge so to speak -

Wow. I never thought of it this way, but it makes perfect sense. Brings tears to my eyes. I’m so not worthy, but His love is so much greater than I can fathom.


Follower of Jesus, & believer in God's Plan. Flawed but Forgiven. Forever thankful. All glory & credit goes to Him. Always.

Follower of Jesus, & believer in God's Plan. Flawed but Forgiven. Forever thankful. All glory & credit goes to Him. Always.

Follower of Jesus, & believer in God's Plan. Flawed but Forgiven. Forever thankful. All glory & credit goes to Him. Always.

Follower of Jesus, & believer in God's Plan. Flawed but Forgiven. Forever thankful. All glory & credit goes to Him. Always.


Follower of Jesus, & believer in God's Plan. Flawed but Forgiven. Forever thankful. All glory & credit goes to Him. Always.

Follower of Jesus, & believer in God's Plan. Flawed but Forgiven. Forever thankful. All glory & credit goes to Him. Always.

Follower of Jesus, & believer in God's Plan. Flawed but Forgiven. Forever thankful. All glory & credit goes to Him. Always.

Follower of Jesus, & believer in God's Plan. Flawed but Forgiven. Forever thankful. All glory & credit goes to Him. Always.

Follower of Jesus, & believer in God's Plan. Flawed but Forgiven. Forever thankful. All glory & credit goes to Him. Always.

We really are living in parallel worlds. Two worlds moving opposite directions, at the same time.

“What your corrupt nature wants is contrary to what your spiritual nature wants, and what your spiritual nature wants is contrary to what your corrupt nature wants. They are opposed to each other. As a result, you don’t always do what you intend to do. If your spiritual nature is your guide, you are not subject to Moses’ laws.”
‭‭-Galatians‬ ‭5:17-18‬

To explain:
God created a perfect cycle.

Lucifer introduced sin bc He knew it was the one thing God couldn’t be around. This created an alternate cycle w/out God for all

Jesus (the Light) rose from the dead, breaking Lucifer’s cycle & creating a path back to God’s cycle for those who choose to follow

Follow the Light 💛

Follower of Jesus, & believer in God's Plan. Flawed but Forgiven. Forever thankful. All glory & credit goes to Him. Always.

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

Nothing comparable to the talent you have by far, but I was just explaining this to my hubs & my kids happened to have left the crayon bucket on the counter.

When one can see how the cycle starts, then one can see how it’s always been Lucifer’s goal to destroy the seed (child). No seed, no cycle of Life whicy is 100% against what God created.

Save the fhildren had a much deeper meaning in so many ways, but yet applies to the very thing we’re trying to bring to light. Overall, we’re all God’s children - if we choose to be.

Save the Children, indeed 💖

Always Be Grateful . 🙏🏼❤️✝️❤️🙏🏼


Jesua is coming.
And I will put enmity
between you and the woman,
and between your offspring and hers;
he will crush your head,
and you will strike his heel.”

Genesis 3:15

Follower of Jesus, & believer in God's Plan. Flawed but Forgiven. Forever thankful. All glory & credit goes to Him. Always.

Happy PI Day ♥️

The first time in the Bible where God is truly set apart all other gods, and the first clear time He shows He isn’t limited/bound to anything

“…I AM.” -Exodus 3:14