Iva Watson
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I pray no one will ever go through this!

Maybe Kitty is a force to be reckoned with!! MEOOOW!

Hahaha, I was thinking Petroglyphs!!


So I watched a YouTube video about 5 years ago about a oncologist in Italy. He discovered that a lot of cancers atarted with a tupe of fongus or yeast build up. He treated them with a solution of sodium bicarbonate and shrank the tumers and in some cases they completely disappeared. I think Ivermectin works similarly because it kills fungus.

This is a majestic photo!!




Me Too! I just need to over come my black thumb!👍🏻

Your right! He doesn’t deserve it.

Maybe he “Cant Breath”!

Most likely from the chemtrail fallout. they soray up in the sky and the combination of chemicals fall to the ground. when it rains those chemicals leech into the ground and choke off the tree roots. They start dying for lack of water and nutrients in the soil.

or maybe the cops thst were paid to stand down?

To keep you safe? wink! wink!


Right! I did forget about air-cooled🫤🤪

Thank you for this post! 👍🏻

yes, on my phone the keys are sooo small!🥺😊

Beetles dont have front end motors, they’re in the rear!!

And yet for all they have most are truly miserable. You cant buy love, joy or salvation.

oops!! that woukd be a Bigger net!!

I think were going to need a bigger boat with a much nigger net!!

If you want the best of outcomes it requires patients! A lot of people are loosing theirs unfortunately


Gods timing not ours, but we can pray they are extinguished soonly!!

Did Mr.snd Mrs. Bergman stop in the office to make that appointment or did they call? If they called how would they know what Lori Klausutis looked like? Could they have spoke to someone else that said they were her if by phone?

Shine the light!!

My daughter is feeling it .we’ve been taking turns buying it when we can find it. This is so strategic! Then we read about Biomilq and how Bill Gates is a large investor.. You know create a problem and then give the solution.

Your right! I know the answer, just my sarcasm popping out!😁