Fox11 LA had live aerial news footage of the accident, on utube, before they even knew it was Heche. It was a 35:06 min video. I went back later and the video had been edited down to 15:04 min. One of the parts I wanted to look at again, that got cut out, was the part where you first see her on the stretcher. I found that scene on another person's video. It is at the 2:21 mark. So "supposedly" her legs are severely burnt. If that is true why would this "paramedic" being holding her ankles?
Stu Mundel was the SkyFox aerial photo journalist for this event.
Part of what got cut out from the original was his commentary about her sitting up on the stretcher which was: "victim tried to get out", "something for the record books right there, creepy, straight out creepy", "yeah, he jumped up and he was like trying to get away".