In the fog of war I can't tell you whether the all cause mortality figures are true, too high, or too low. For all I know a fake pandemic could be paired with a fake genocide to teach us a lesson. But I can tell you it's wrong to put children at unnecessary risk — under ALL circumstances.
If, as many suspect, we are being assisted by "nice" ETs in our quest to remove the "nasty" ETs, their help may have come with conditions. What if they required us to do something drastic to reduce our fertility, or perhaps make it a conscious choice rather than an accident? As covert genocides go, this one is relatively humane. Those who are being culled or injured are seemingly also being programmed to believe their decision to take the jab is unrelated. No internal blame arises. They simply get removed from the gene pool by something they believe to be bad luck. Is it actually fair to tell them or their surviving relatives what we believe was the cause? [Add a few characters, as it was exactly 666/1000!]