A friend since elementary school lost her mother to a heartattack after the jab. She also just lost her father to cancer teo wks ago. Her son got a "meningitis" shot for college. At the age of 18 he had a heartattack his prom night. All within a years time.

CHA-CHING CHA-CHING is what I hear from the treatment groups expecting a ton of more money.

Aussie Mum fighting for Freedom & Truth....Trusting in God's plan.
Last 3 weeks, I have noticed an increase in serious conditions in my circle of family/friends.My ex-fiance just died from colorectal cancer(battling it for 1year-he had 4 covid jabs)my sons special needs teacher diagnosed with ovarian cancer and my neighbour diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer.In my 30 years as a Cancer Care Pharmacy Technician(aseptic manufacture of IV chemotherapy/immunotherapy) I have only known 3 people personally with cancer.In my hospital clinic, on average, we would treat 15 people daily, most with multiple drug treatments.I would hazard a guess and say the workload has increased significantly but with a depleted workforce.It's been nearly a year since my termination for not complying with mandate.On top of that my father in laws existing conditions, rheumatoid arthritis/psoriasis have flared up and he is in severe discomfort. My mother in law also had a small heart attack. All have had at least 3 jabs....Coincidence?I think not.Death or customer for life?

I AM an optimist. I AM here for our children. Following Q since the first drop. I Trust the Plan. #Family is Everything. #LOVE wins.
My father developed cancer after taking 2 shots.
I tried to warn them, all my family but all clear factual evidence, was ignored, rejected, ridiculed in the name of "science".