When you're on a flight and they're going over all the safety instructions one of the typical phrases you'll hear is, "In case of an emergency, put your oxygen mask on first before assisting others." 🛩
Most of you will immediately understand the metaphor connected and where I'm going with this however I'd like to include it on the chance this can potentially be a learning/teaching moment, for somone else who may need to read this today and take in the lesson or perhaps share it with somone in their social circle it could help...
So! Why are we told to put our oxygen mask on first? Because we can’t help others breath if we’re gasping for air ourselves! If you're trying to help others without catching your breath first, you'll pass out and become somone who needs help instead of somone who can help. The same holds parallel to life! Many have lost their altitude, they’re gasping for fulfillment and we can only help them if we put our oxygen mask on first. 🤍
Ego should have no place, in the heart of man! Numquam Cedere -Never Surrender ***5 Year Active Duty Veteran- Operation Desert Fox.
One of the best metephors taught in Recovery...