Turning my own HIV diagnosis experience into something of possible value for those who took Covid injections. https://newsletter.martingeddes.com/p/the-joy-of-death
The joy of death - by Martin Geddes
Coming to terms with weaponised mortality (in a very personal way)
https://newsletter.martingeddes.com/p/the-joy-of-deathHIV has never been isolated like SARS-CoV-2. We all know that HIV is one of the biggest fraud in the history like SARS-CoV-2. It is a part of deep state plan. HIV positive is like covid-19 positive. It is a total joke. HIV positive means nothing. But your immune system is the present from God. It is perfect. So don't take any drugs from money-sucking pHARMa. They will kill you. You will live long and healthy. Amen.
Indeed, this is very true! It's all about selling more and more drugs to the people. And the tests, and mouthcaps and so on.