I hope you liked the small collection from yesterday evening's walk. I am seeing a pattern of wickedness in those who swallow the lie, where they are willing to steal children off those who refused to bend. It isn't just me; others I know too. We need visible truth and justice to put an end to this nightmare. Soon.
Yes! Children are my Red Line!!!!
When I see children muzzled, I can’t help but glare (which is not normal for me, I usually smile from ear to ear) at the selfish parent who is, at this point, using them for political purposes. (I feel I can tell the Lib parents from the clueless 🤪).
We Must Protect the Children in every way possible. 🙏
i agree with you. It really seems to me that this year was the first time that i can remember that united people with that sick drag stuff. I hadn't been kicked off of twitter again then lol. But there were alot of people getting angry about it. The regular gays, not these crazy trannies, were yelling with us. To me i saw to many, they were like me, this was their red line too. We united together...it is happening, it's just being shadowbanned