Do you believe in the 144,000?
Feel free to leave comments as to why you feel that way.
Also, please like this so we can tell how many took the other way to gauge. Thanks!
Yes! I do not know who they will be, but I feel
we will know w/out doubt when it is time!
Once I met a couple in the produce department at a grocery store in Austin. Their feet seemed to not touch the floor..they slowly swooshed around instead of walked, they were Angelic, Happy but REAL (I know..Austin, probably on Drugs etc. etc. 😂). But these two were not on drugs, or of this world, in my Opinion.
So... What I have learned is, we don’t know who the 144K are or who are Angels, so I try and be on my best behavior😬 because we never know who is with Us 😳😜!