Red-pilled and mind-blown by Eustace Mullins books, once upon a time... One foot down the rabbithole, one foot on The High Road.
"When we’re done he’ll claim Kenyan citizenship as a way to escape." 💧#894

He has been and always will be a Ne'er-do-well! Definition: Derogatory term for a rogue, vagrant or vagabond without means of support; a good-for-nothing louse.

He is the BIGGEST traitor, non-American citizen still walking the face of the earth.

Evidently the picture is from 2008, it was written by Zakaria, but I think it was in the times and ‘they’ said we have mischaracterized the book. smh.

Not a scientist, nor do I claim to be one...T-shirts, blue jeans, baseball hats and beer...Stealer of fine memes...Frequent F-bombs 😬🤣
Ole Jug Ears was busted red-handed.