General McInenerny said twice on "Telegram" to "watch the water." Then, I saw a short video with Juan O Savin about how the only way to deal with DC is to "flood it from the Potomoc" and leave DC as a swamp to forever be remembered for the corruption it was. I that what :watch the water" may elude to???? Guess we shall see. I do know this...Trump wants the Whute House and capitol in DC gone forever. He will move the capitol elsewhere when he return as 19th president.
The White House was at one time a beautiful place with historic meaning but now its a house of horror. I had read that Melania wanted nothing to do with it, she knew it housed a legion of demons.
God Lovin’ Texas Lovin’ Trump Lovin’ Girl! GOD BLESS THE USA ❤️🤍💙🇱🇷🇺🇸
Great observation!! ill join you in watching for this! ❤️
God fearing, Jesus loving, constitution loving, Trump supporter,and most of all SAVE THE CHILDREN!
This is such a petty thing but what about the resolute desk? If you are giving stuff away maybe consider JFK to have it in memory of his father
20 years of seeing through the matrix has brought me here. Jesus is Lord.
Do you believe that the account on Telegram for General McInerny is really him? If so, why?
From what little I've seen on that account, I have my doubts. I don't think he would openly post "WWG1WGA".
I am a warrior for God, our country, truth and for freedom. Trump is my president! WWG1WGA
Yesm I believe it is official because other respected patriots are respoting his messages
I am a warrior for God, our country, truth and for freedom. Trump is my president! WWG1WGA
Also, General Flynn also openly posts WWG1WGA
Iowa Patriot who loves God, Country, family and Donald J. Trump. #WWG1WGA #MAGA #HOLDTHELINE
Apparently there is a LMS listing the White House for sale at 460 million dollars.