Warrior Annie
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I am a warrior for God, our country, truth and for freedom. Trump is my president! WWG1WGA

I am a warrior for God, our country, truth and for freedom. Trump is my president! WWG1WGA
If you do note vote then you give the Cabal support! Patriots voting will overwhelm the cheat! Don't listen to those who say they won't vote til 2020 is fixed! That is the enemies tactic!

I am a warrior for God, our country, truth and for freedom. Trump is my president! WWG1WGA
We are winning! The Cabal is desperate...Panic! If they indict Trump remain calm! They are trying to incite civil war! Don't fall for it! Trump is backed by the Military! Nothing will happen to Trump. It is all for optics! Stand strong!

I am a warrior for God, our country, truth and for freedom. Trump is my president! WWG1WGA
It is imperative that we vote in person to override the voting machines in November! Vote in person is a MUST! We can win this but we all must vote in person...no mail in votes!

I am a warrior for God, our country, truth and for freedom. Trump is my president! WWG1WGA
You should know by now we are winning on every front. Don't give up Patriots we have got this!! fauci will face tribunals! So will the Clintons and Obama!

I am a warrior for God, our country, truth and for freedom. Trump is my president! WWG1WGA
Did you watch The Pit today? OMG. Out government betrayed us!

I am a warrior for God, our country, truth and for freedom. Trump is my president! WWG1WGA
You do know that Mar-a-Lago was a trap don't you? And the DS fell for it!

I am a warrior for God, our country, truth and for freedom. Trump is my president! WWG1WGA
The FBI was trying to incite the patriots when they invaded Trump's home. They want to incite a civil war in order to release the NG. That chaos also allows them to postpone the midterms. Don't post anything of a threat. The FBI is tracking just like they did on Jan 6. Stay calm and keep praying! NCSWISC!

I am a warrior for God, our country, truth and for freedom. Trump is my president! WWG1WGA
Be careful what you post online. The FBI is looking for posts of violence and threats to go after. The Deep State is looking for any means to disrupt the midterms. Do not react! Do not post threats! Stay calm! WE ARE WINNING!

I am a warrior for God, our country, truth and for freedom. Trump is my president! WWG1WGA
They are coming after us! As Trump said "He is in the way." You better believe Trump is taking a lot for our nation!

I am a warrior for God, our country, truth and for freedom. Trump is my president! WWG1WGA
What happened to Mara-A-Lago today was despicable! No president has ever had this happen. This is not going to turn out the way they think. A trap was set! You don't think Trump and the Military did not see this coming? Stay calm! We are watching a movie! This is going to backfire BIG TIME!

I am a warrior for God, our country, truth and for freedom. Trump is my president! WWG1WGA
It will take every one of us to defeat the enemy! Vote! Vote! Vote! And not by mail in ballots! Do it is person! Essential!

I am a warrior for God, our country, truth and for freedom. Trump is my president! WWG1WGA
DON'T DO MAIL IN BALLOTS!!!! REALLY PEOPLE! Have we not learned our lesson?

I am a warrior for God, our country, truth and for freedom. Trump is my president! WWG1WGA
Everyone should know this by now, but don't do mail in ballots. Bring your own black or blue pen and vote in person!!!!!!!!

I am a warrior for God, our country, truth and for freedom. Trump is my president! WWG1WGA
August will be HOT! Prepare but stand your ground!

I am a warrior for God, our country, truth and for freedom. Trump is my president! WWG1WGA
August is going to be a very HOT month! Hang in there patriots! Stay together! We have got this! Pray for Kari Lake on Tuesday! IMPERATIVE!

I am a warrior for God, our country, truth and for freedom. Trump is my president! WWG1WGA
Trump is fighting for our country. We need to fight with him! don't give up!

I am a warrior for God, our country, truth and for freedom. Trump is my president! WWG1WGA
Get ride of the Rhino's like Graham and McConnell! They betrayed our country. They helped to give the Dems power! Fight back!

I am a warrior for God, our country, truth and for freedom. Trump is my president! WWG1WGA
America will get through this! BUT YOU MUST VOTE! If you don't you give in to the corruption! Do your part and vote! Don;t give up and fight! Our kids future is at stake!

I am a warrior for God, our country, truth and for freedom. Trump is my president! WWG1WGA
The "fall of the Cabal" has begun. Many world leaders resigning or forced out! Many more will follow. WATCH! August will reveal big surprises! Midterms will be Biblical!

I am a warrior for God, our country, truth and for freedom. Trump is my president! WWG1WGA
America will not fall! Trump will be back. God will and is bringing justice! Stand firm and fight. We will win this war!

I am a warrior for God, our country, truth and for freedom. Trump is my president! WWG1WGA
There is no turning back. America will never be the same, but she will live with a better future! America has to be fought for once again, but America will win! Just remember that those who fought for her were armed!

I am a warrior for God, our country, truth and for freedom. Trump is my president! WWG1WGA
Supreme Court gave us many victories! The Law of the land is returning! God Wins!

I am a warrior for God, our country, truth and for freedom. Trump is my president! WWG1WGA
Wee are winning this fight! Don't give up! Can you see the tide turning!

I am a warrior for God, our country, truth and for freedom. Trump is my president! WWG1WGA
Q is back!!!

I am a warrior for God, our country, truth and for freedom. Trump is my president! WWG1WGA
Patriots do not give up! They fight!

I am a warrior for God, our country, truth and for freedom. Trump is my president! WWG1WGA
Make sure you are stocking up! All these burned down food plants, Smith closing, cattle dying, is DELIBERATE! Its going to be rough for a few months but WE WILL WIN! Prepare and stock up!

I am a warrior for God, our country, truth and for freedom. Trump is my president! WWG1WGA
There is no turning back. We will never be the same. A new age is dawning and a better future on the horizon. If all you can do is be a "doom sayer" then you are not equipped for the fight. We don't give up! We don't give in! We fight! AND WE WIN! The DS is crumbling and they will give their worst. A hot summer is coming! But we will withstand it and be victorious! That is a FACT!

I am a warrior for God, our country, truth and for freedom. Trump is my president! WWG1WGA
Nothing can stop what is coming! The tide has turned! J6 is a scam and everyone knows it! Have faith! Dawn is coming and so is justice!

I am a warrior for God, our country, truth and for freedom. Trump is my president! WWG1WGA
I just watched Patel Patriots interview with Gregg Phillips (2000 Mules) and he said that something far, far greater than 2000 Mules is being released in about 6 weeks that is going to be a bombshell for the nation. It is not a video, he said, but an announcement, a release of information that will rock our country. Their lives are in danger because of what is coming and they are surrounded with lawyers helping them to make the announcement that is of the highest level of betrayal. WATCH THE INTERVIEW on Patel's platform on Telegram or his website. We need to be praying for Gregg & Kathryn and for whatever is going to be dropped. He said we cannot imagine the depth of what will be released.

I am a warrior for God, our country, truth and for freedom. Trump is my president! WWG1WGA
UVelde may have been a set up! Another FF to take away the 2nd Amendment. Stay focused!