Strat Guy Vic on #SoundCloud https://on.soundcloud.com/PsAQ5EWk4mAEnCer6 Victor 🤍 Teah 9•26•23
Hi Martin...i hope my playful response yesterday wasnt misconstrued. I made a joke about heroes and capes...when i didnt get a response i thought u took it wrong. Noone else responded to it either...sorry if u didnt get the joke...neither did anyone else. I take my writing serious...even my humorous ones...and thats what it was. I was relating to what u wrote. Anyway, better luck next time with my humor.👊🤝🙏☝️🏁🇺🇸💜♡♡♡♡🤓

He will cover you with his feathers and under His wings you will find refuge; His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. Psalm 91:4
when a movement’s starter kit is the same as the advanced kit... 💫

You really bring the bougee to this movement. Always have. 😆