You cannot perceive something you aren’t a vibration of.
This is why you seem crazy to those that are at a lower state of consciousness than you.
What you consume, will consume you.
What if I told you, we are in World War III, and instead of tanks, guns, and bombs, this war is a war on consciousness.
What if I were to tell you that the enemy has infiltrated your home and most people don’t even realize it?
- Fluoride in your toothpaste
- Chlorine in your water
- Aluminum in your deodorant
- Carcinogens in your cleaning/laundry supplies
- Addicting and chronically deadly GMOs in your favorite food
- TV show’s subconsciously programming you and your children
- Chem trails sprayed in your air…
The enemy has full infiltration, and not a single shot was fired.
Billions have been invested in the slow poisoning of humanity.
They do not want you waking up. They want you a slave to the system forever.
Most importantly connect to God and strengthen your spiritual connection as well. 😇