You cannot perceive something you aren’t a vibration of.
This is why you seem crazy to those that are at a lower state of consciousness than you.
What you consume, will consume you.
What if I told you, we are in World War III, and instead of tanks, guns, and bombs, this war is a war on consciousness.
What if I were to tell you that the enemy has infiltrated your home and most people don’t even realize it?
- Fluoride in your toothpaste
- Chlorine in your water
- Aluminum in your deodorant
- Carcinogens in your cleaning/laundry supplies
- Addicting and chronically deadly GMOs in your favorite food
- TV show’s subconsciously programming you and your children
- Chem trails sprayed in your air…
The enemy has full infiltration, and not a single shot was fired.
Billions have been invested in the slow poisoning of humanity.
They do not want you waking up. They want you a slave to the system forever.
People can fight most of this by buying local produce, organic foods, read labels, stop using fluoride toothpaste and mouthwashes, filter fluoride and toxins out of water, purchase non GMO foods, avoid mass producers of food like kellogs, duncan hinds, oreida, pepsi, coke,lipton, uncle bens, hungry jack, Lays, Fritos, etc, etc. Purchase meat from local farmers, butchers. Take good antioxidants like tumeric, use Himalayan salt, drink alkaline water. We can't stop the chemtrails, but having a strong resilient body will help. Get exercise, sunshine, stop using sunscreen that contains toxins, watch what other things you put on your body too. Use local honey, plant an organic garden. Refuse vaccinations. Get busy folks, you can do it! 😇