What if Holy Grail is not a thing, but a person?

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou
And then who would you be referring to Johnny?
Nana was thinking the Holy Grail was Jesus here to teach us how to connect directly with God/Creator/Source.

I'm thinking about "bloodlines". So, probably someone who [they] are looking for.

do you think there is one human alive on earth right now who has never sinned once in their life?
Jesus came to earth to save sinners.
that 1 person would literally be Jesus.......
Jesus is coming!!!!!
correction he is already here😎
It was not lost on Nana the other day when Juan O Savin was explaining creation basically.
Idk the exact quote but he said that basically in the beginning God made a specific promise to Adam.
God promised Adam that he was giving Adam and his seed this planet.
God did not condition it.
No conditions, at that time no mention of if you do or dont sin just it is yours period.
Let that sink in for a minute!

"Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord" Is1:18;
People oh PEOPLE ... READ the book!
There are conditions to ALL God's promises.
Obedience is key and *commanded*.
"But of the fruit of the tree which [is] in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die" Gen3:3
That first act of disobedience resulted in the first couple getting evicted from the garden and condemned to lives of toil, hardship with death as it's final reward.
That act of disobedience made Jesus' death on the cross NECESSARY for the redemption of His people.
You can't just make stuff up.
or it's not

Christian, DJT supporter, married 52 years same spouse.
this is the first occasion, whereby woman tried to add to G_d's word, she changed G_d's instruction: G_d instructed them not to"eat" of the tree, she added "touch it"= false doctrine.

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou
Written by who, humans or God?
We have already seen proof that some of the Bible was left out on purpose that directs us how to connect directly with God.
We have already found out that we only have a fraction of it created by the Catholic Church, the same Jesuits that have been torturing and eating children.
Juan quotes the Bible all the time, I dont think he ever said that all of it was manipulated or wrong.
If you go strickly by the Bible that most of the world sees, can you tell me who Cain and Abel mated with to create all the future generations?
Where did their wives come from? How did they begin the population of the Earth?
Can you tell me what the other 700 books in their original text said, because if you cant give me the original text translation, then it is only logical that some parts of it have been influenced by humans.
Not running down spirituality I know God, have been in his presence b4 God is very real.
Religion tho has been manipulated.

"God gave the Earth & all that’s in it
to Adam & his seed."
~ Juan O Savin
This is what the fight is all about —
the demons wanted to trick God
into giving the Earth to the devil.
They wanted to rid Earth of Adam's seed [bloodline.]
They lost.
They know it.
We know it.
The Chess Game is nearly over.
Casino Royale for Earth is nearly played out.
And then — a beautiful miraculous demon-free Creation
is restored to all 🙏😽💓

But.....WHICH "God"; there were many "elohim" all competing with each other. To Whom do we belong? 🧐 The word translated "God" is a mistranslation.....it should be "gods". Quoting Paul A. Wallis, "It's a monstrous God we have created by mistranslation!" Think about that!! Why does a correct translation not matter???

Resurrection Power...??

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou
Proof of purchase works for me!
Proof of Jesus being a Druze as well.

Juan also said when the bank gets robbed you don't let the theives keep what they stole! Juat a reminder from KP- God gave us this place, satan stole it from us, Jesus bought it all back. Time to wake up to the fact and take possession of it- Future proves past!!!

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou
Past fixes future!
We are going back to 1776 to fix the future.

Jesus Christ is the Way Truth Life #FamilyIsEverything #MAGA #WWG1WGAWORLDWIDE
Nana😘 Was remembering when Jesus told the men who were about to stone the harlot; whoever has not sinned throw the first stone and they all dropped the stones and left. Then Jesus told the woman to go and not sin anymore. We are flesh and blood and we make wrong choices sometimes, but we also recognize this when we live in His Holy Spirit and change our direction🙏🏻Through Jesus we come to our Heavenly Father for forgiveness or to one we may have offended to ask their forgiveness. We are clean and pure now through His blood. It is done✨ Hallelujah Praise God❤️