i don’t want to fook this acct, but blantantly asking people to type their SSN into a random website seems like a fookable offense… please advise.
I do a lot of reposting. So if you wonder who I am read my comments
a lot of talk about this today
When I did my homework on it last year I discovered that the forms to release your money have been made illegal to file
Still 1000% Patriot & loyalist to Trump(((+)))Team, grateful for their insight, sacrifices, &willingness to return our nation to the people,
i did this back in 2017 and was beyond shocked to see what was going on with my ssn. it pushed me to file for sovereign status and take back the strawman account they created out of my ssn and b/c. not sure if they're still using mine or not .
its only an active tradable instrest earning account for so many years
then just sits as a government cash pot
the sovereign they cant stop us on
but they made filling to get said money back illegal by making it illegal to file the form
called it defeauding the government
my buddies stepmom went to prison for 3 years for it
pour lady gave birth to her first in handcuffs
and had no time with the child till was handed to her father
so sad
our world is so corrupt