Finance = organised crime
Politics = organised crime
Media = organised crime
Healthcare = organised crime
Energy = organised crime
Armaments = organised crime
Academia = organised crime

Isn't is odd that we get taught so little about organised crime? 🤔

Colleen & Charlie Freak
25:16 minutes
“The Fed is [was] controlled
by a certain group within the Catholic Church
Who went forth & spread the teachings of Christianity?
because they’re holy men (?!) No no no.
The Jesuits are the real MAFIA.
Every little group of Mafia
in every single town across this vast Earth
EVERY little MAFIA pays homage
to this particular group in the Catholic Church.
THEY are in charge
& they were in control of the Fed.”

[‘MAFIA’ acronym stands for
“Morte Alla Francia Italia Anelia”
‘Death To The French Is Italy’s Cry’]

📽️ The Takedown of the Cabal From A to Z, Part One

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

Only people mentioned by @KatistheSea3 in this post can reply

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

Thank you, Kat, for posting the link this video. It has been removed many times from multiple platforms and my previous archived link was dead. Thank you also for writing a transcript of it. That had to have taken up a lot of your valuable time.

In response Water Mark to his Publication

Ty so much, Water Mark.
It's an ESSENTIAL video from Charlie & Colleen Freak.
Their TRUTH & ACCURATE reporting
is constantly verified every single day.
The vid is taken down ALL THE TIME.
👇 but this is the link for today.

I transcribed the entire video 2 years ago, FYI 🙏💞🇺🇸

Part 1

Part 2

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In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

how do khazarian mafia fit in?

MAGA Patriot whose life has been turned upside down in recent days. The support and kindness I get here is incredible. Thanks, frens.

In response reaper myer to his Publication

The head of the Federal Reserve is almost always jewish so it's a team effort. The Jesuits have their own piece of the world's wealth, as do the other elites like Illuminati, Masons, and so forth. But the Khazarian mafia is the most visible, owning Hollywood, the MSM, pharmaceutical companies, Black Rock.

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Denver Digital Soldier, Believe in the Promise of Q. Twitter Refugee, Independent Thinker & Anon. Patriot. Family is Everything.

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

Awan Brothers= Mossad.

In response Positively Negative to his Publication

👍 Ty 💥

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In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

I have known this about the Jesuits but I'm wondering....are they connected to Israel? And what is it about Israel that Q said "saving Israel for last"?

In response Ashka 4517 to her Publication

I thought the bloodlines "created" Israel.

Bloodline minion, Lord Lionel Rothschild
& the 1917 Balfour Declaration;
"the establishment in Palestine of a national home
for the Jewish people."

Vatican/Jesuits etc. are ALL connected to the bloodlines
& their plan to control Earth.

As part of the Balfour Declaration,
the U.K. retains the right
to place a Monarch on the "throne of Israel."
According to Juan O Savin
that "monarch" or "antichrist"
was to be Prince William
who represents not only all the bloodlines
but also, all religions
through his "grandmother" QE2.

So "saving Israel for last" has many possibilities.

-Taking down the MSM that is owned by 6 people
all of whom hold Israeli passports.

-Taking out Israel altogether & their antichrist, William.

-Disclosing the Awan brothers who
"Managed our Blackberry communications system
& all that INTEL going back to Pakistan
& especially the State Dept.
Every one of em's a traitor" - Juan O Savin


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Bringing Light to Darkness

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

Not only that, the powers that control the financial system also control the other religions.

In response Gole Gora to his Publication


Q Team/White Hats have taken out
ALL the Upper handler bloodlines.
They're dealing with the minions now 💪

🇺🇸 Gene Decode 9-16-20
"People don’t realize
all the upper handlers have been removed.
I'm just glad to be alive right now
& watching what's happening.
What started in 1903 with Nikola Tesla
& then Howard Hughes
& then John G. Trump
all the way up to today [QTeam]..
They've taken every possible thing.
There's no play.
It's what we call in Chess, 'Zugzwang.'
No matter what move the enemy does
he's done.
He's going to be checkmated.
It's only a matter of time."


In response Gole Gora to his Publication

Here's a List
Who(m) determines when enough people have waken up?
Can the 'woke' be awaken?
Or are they of the "Re"Awaken fallen angel side?

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