Seeing as though, Russia and Trump, were portrayed as colluding, and a danger to America.
Why did Obama, Bush, Cheney, No name, etc find the need to fund the Ukrain's with 7 billion$ to help the people overthrow their elected President and vote in "An actor" (And yes, that was (is?) his profession prior to becoming Presdent of the Ukraine.
Why did all the children of high ranking Dem's all of a sudden have ties ($) to the Ukraine?
Why did the UN/Obama need to keep Russia out of Crimea?
Isn't the Crimean peninsula the Sea Trade route through to the Black sea?
Trade with Turkey, and many other Eastern countries?
Aren't the majority of those countries members of Nato?
Rumor had it that the Ukraine Govenment and Russia were in talks of aan agreement upon the use of Crimea as a trade route peace deal and further negotions of partnerships by both countries. (This is just something I read a while back and have no viable proof of it's validity)
It just seemed to make sense at the