U.S. Navy Veteran. Investigative Researcher. Into The Fitness and Health Lifestyle. Lives in The North-East of The U.S.A.
Chlorine Dioxide is an amazing substance - even broader spectrum and more effective than Hydroxycloroquine or Ivermectin - while being dirt cheap, safe and non-patentable.
What's been hard to get are HARDCORE SCIENTIFIC FACTS to support the Chlorine Dioxide story, amid HUGE ONGOING DISINFORMATION GUNFIRE from Big Pharma directed at Chlorine Dioxide.
Do yourself a favor and watch at least the first half-hour of this amazingly well-informed dialogue between Natural News founder Mike Adams and
biophysicist and Chlorine Dioxide expert Andreas Kalcker.
Why chlorine dioxide and not just hypochlorous acid? HOCI.
Which you can make for pennies using a portioned recipe of kosher salt with no additives, water and a zap of electricity via a thing that is sold all over Asia that resembles a tea pot. Here in the states the company is called Ecolotech that sells it for around a hundred dollars or watch youtube for a do it yourself tutorial on making your own electrolysis generator.
Look into it. It heals. It kills all viruses, bacteria, and allergens. Century old medical journals showed injecting it into the bloodstream would stop sepsis even.
When finished with that dive, research medical journals on molecular hydrogenated water. Same electrolysis process as making the hypoclorous acid. Except using simply plain water and no salt.
Water, and/or salt plus electricity (energy) saves the world!