The World is changing and I'm on the Transition Team! Trump Won and even better God Wins ~ Once In A Lifetime
~ photo by Matthew Nichols
Here is my capture of the Super "Buck moon" from Hurricane Ridge 🦌🌕
I'd say I got super lucky but honestly this was one of the most difficult captures of my life. I posted up in this spot for hours waiting for a deer to walk by. I was shocked when that deer finally came and it was a buck with beautiful velvety antlers
Even though the full moon made it a very bright night, I had to take the picture exposing for 3 seconds to get enough detail in the deer, but as we all know wildlife moves a lot 😅 Thankfully he kept hearing something and freezing for just long enough to snap a photo with no blur!!
The funny thing is, I literally had no idea this moon was called the "Buck Moon" when I took the shot 🤯
Cool 😎