I'm hoping that after the old world is taken down WE will rebuild it in Peace and Unity and Love as it was meant to be. Lots of Organic farms and no more cruelty to animals or children. Schools will teach how to resolve issues through a dialog that works, and love will flourish across the world! 💝
We are ONE. Family is everything. Mom of 3 amazing girls, wife of 1 handsome and loving husband
Such a beautiful dream for the future!
Looking forward to the day we heal our wounds and live in Peace,Love and Unity as we were meant to.
I believe it is possible if we can start with our children. The dialog where you learn how to hear another person would stop wars. There are great tools.Sometimes I do wonder if there does have to be a huge cataclysm before that would happen though.
With the proper education, teaching children how to have compassion, not only for others but themself through the dialog, the whole way our brains work would change. Instead we are teaching children things that are not of peace/unity but competition and dysfunctional.
The dialog would naturally teach our children that killing or hurting another is senseless/wrong&that will mean no more military or religions as they've cause more wars & senseless death than anything.
But maybe we do need a really big intervention before that will happen. Probably not in my lifetime, I'm 51.
Or maybe if it is true that the energies will raise and our consciousness will also grow so we are not so old reptilian brain, that wants to fight or run. 💝