I prefer the video from the other side that somebody posted last week that clearly showed she was in handcuffs! Awesome.
Could you please share that video if you still have it?
@mopatriot65 https://anonup.com/upload/videos/2021/01/LA4SSBe4YyNUrTIieOMT_28_47b6ef8871b9eaecbea436ecabafb586_video_original.mp4
This plays the clip over and over.@ghostezra posted it first. Having seen it again, I can see her hands are behind her back but when the guy on the left grabs her arm as she goes down, it looks like her hand is free and not cuffed. She may just have been leaning on that metal post behind her as she was unsteady. WHat do you think?
HOLY MOLY!!! l had never seen that clip from that angle! Shout out to@GhostEzra for the find! WOW!!!