I wear a mask sometimes does that make me dumb?
I do a lot of reposting. So if you wonder who I am read my comments
Do u follow Q by chance?
I do a lot of reposting. So if you wonder who I am read my comments
I do a lot of reposting. So if you wonder who I am read my comments
this is what i mean by uneducated
99% are
this should be the#1 trending as covid is concerned
I do a lot of reposting. So if you wonder who I am read my comments
I do a lot of reposting. So if you wonder who I am read my comments
No but the meme point ppl tell you they wear one to keep you safe when the science disputes and even goes on to tell you that they cause bacterial Phneumonia which was the number one killier in the 1918 spanish Flu -- Yes the masks killed more ppl and Fauci did a paper on this very subject so he knew !