QSI Telegram, learning about Quantum Stellar Financial System, Medbeds, Liberty/Freedom, Checks and Balances, disclosure, Ascension,💜♾️
Governments do not have personal jurisdiction over the people, We The People.
There is not such thing as a sovereign citizen, sovereign citizen is an oxymoron.
correct and all agreements to become citizens were fraudulently obtained and therefore vitiated without needing any process or filing.
QSI Telegram, learning about Quantum Stellar Financial System, Medbeds, Liberty/Freedom, Checks and Balances, disclosure, Ascension,💜♾️
Could process for filing also trap, expose, others sending a message with more accountability, thus sending energetic ripples across the universe?
but that would be admitting courts hold standing over you. they do not.
QSI Telegram, learning about Quantum Stellar Financial System, Medbeds, Liberty/Freedom, Checks and Balances, disclosure, Ascension,💜♾️
There is a process on the current fake system to expose them, assisting in awakening others.
Those fake courts do not hold standing, power or authority over We The People, though there has been and is levels of corruption that does not care what people say or do, simply people get steam rolled, harmed, imprisoned, assets take away, fines administered, challenges and more challenges created.
Many have spent much of their life behind bars do to corrupted courts, government tyranny.
How do people expose the frauds, crimes taking place?
Many have tried Jumping up and down, yelling, threats, many actions with little success.
Due process of law is essential to provide relief, remedy for unlawful actions in a civilized, safe, lawful world.
We can not simple presume, assume we know what is lawful and unlawful, we need to provide facts, evidence, sharing in logical, reasonable debt, arguments.
That is God/Source job, not man. We do not have to believe the same and we cannot hold others to our beliefs. The answer is higher consciousness not courts
QSI Telegram, learning about Quantum Stellar Financial System, Medbeds, Liberty/Freedom, Checks and Balances, disclosure, Ascension,💜♾️
Who defend your rights?
Even if 1 million people agree and 1 does not, you cannot make a law. The only laws can be God's/Source's laws.
When consciousness is high, psychic powers of all will be high. nobody needs to be protected. We are all powerful.
QSI Telegram, learning about Quantum Stellar Financial System, Medbeds, Liberty/Freedom, Checks and Balances, disclosure, Ascension,💜♾️
So Your answer to solve the worlds problems is that higher consciousness gods law solves everything?
Whats taking so long?
Time does not exist. The top priority is every soul remembering who they are and developing from the lessons afforded by the duality.
The top priority has never been saving souls.
Souls can only save themselves.
This life is just a lesson. death is going back to your real life as a soul. Death is almost meaningless.
If you fail this life, you just do it again
With the veil of forgetfulness, this life seems like a long time, but to our soul, it is the snap of a finger
QSI Telegram, learning about Quantum Stellar Financial System, Medbeds, Liberty/Freedom, Checks and Balances, disclosure, Ascension,💜♾️
Why are you writing on social media?
QSI Telegram, learning about Quantum Stellar Financial System, Medbeds, Liberty/Freedom, Checks and Balances, disclosure, Ascension,💜♾️
Do you have a destination, a goal, something to achieve?
Just helping humanity. I have teenage daughters and a twin flame. I am a defender of God's/Source's natural law. What more is needed?
QSI Telegram, learning about Quantum Stellar Financial System, Medbeds, Liberty/Freedom, Checks and Balances, disclosure, Ascension,💜♾️
Balance, unity, inner-standing of Natural law & Physics to life force as well as a lawful process to defend the rights of ourselves and collectively.
I own guns. I defend myself. When you have no brainwashing, karma is instant. That is all the lawful process needed. Government & courts were set up only to control people by those with bad intent. Without brainwashing, there is little to fear. Physical weapons are no match for psychic/spiritual powers. When you fully awaken and have service to others intent, you can manifest almost instantly anything you want.
QSI Telegram, learning about Quantum Stellar Financial System, Medbeds, Liberty/Freedom, Checks and Balances, disclosure, Ascension,💜♾️
Where is the logic and reason with what you wrote?
How do you expect everyone to agree when not everyone has inner-standing of what Law & Physics to life force is to defend?
There is no value in everyone agreeing on anything. But once you raise your frequency, lying is impossible as the truth is innately known. I can sense a lie by the ringing in my ears. I can see the truth instantly in my third eye by asking. Logic and reason are limiting beliefs. Intuition is a million times more powerful and accurate
QSI Telegram, learning about Quantum Stellar Financial System, Medbeds, Liberty/Freedom, Checks and Balances, disclosure, Ascension,💜♾️
Intuition can be corrupted.
There are certain foundation's everyone would best know and Humanity is here now as people have been lazy, divided.
Alex collier shares a lot of goodness, so does Dan Winter.
The system is largely presumed and assumed.
To assume and presume everyone is united with what you are sharing seems a guessing game.
I do not care. Nobody has a right to dictate anything to anybody. The law of freewill, which is the most important natural law, cannot be infringed in any way. Therefore, all laws other than natural law are, by definition, a violation of the law of freewill. Employment and politics, by definition, are a violation of the law of freewill.
QSI Telegram, learning about Quantum Stellar Financial System, Medbeds, Liberty/Freedom, Checks and Balances, disclosure, Ascension,💜♾️
What is common law for?
nothing. it was created as part of babylonian enslavement programs
QSI Telegram, learning about Quantum Stellar Financial System, Medbeds, Liberty/Freedom, Checks and Balances, disclosure, Ascension,💜♾️
How does common law enslave?
Nobody has a right to regulate other people. Free people are not taxed, regulated, licensed, etc.
QSI Telegram, learning about Quantum Stellar Financial System, Medbeds, Liberty/Freedom, Checks and Balances, disclosure, Ascension,💜♾️
Common law does not push taxes, regulations, Licenses.
Common law, Due process of law is there to have an organized humanity, to protect natural rights, so there is a process due when some trespasses the rights of others.
So its clear you do not inner-stand common law...
Regulations, statutes, codes, licensed was for commerce, suppose to be ONLY for commerce and government actions...
BAR associations/members unlawfully forced through fraud Statutes, Codes, Regulations, by-laws, Municipal ordnance's.
all that SMU, Shit made up on everyone.
Its a great idea to take Kirk Pendergrass's law course on kirks law corner youtube 1 to 8, as well E-clause has a great eye opening Auditing process, found also on youtube.
Seeing what you are missing, presuming, assuming like the system controls are doing, Common law can be built better, as the barons created it to stop the royally from tyranny, the people where going to kill the King.
☀️LAW & Physics to life force☀️
i do not support any regulation for business. i will never consent to any government again. i do not need a law course. i do not consent.
QSI Telegram, learning about Quantum Stellar Financial System, Medbeds, Liberty/Freedom, Checks and Balances, disclosure, Ascension,💜♾️
Seems you are pushing people away from evidence, facts, away from very important bits of information, not sure why...
May U suggest you in fact do need a law course as your still mixing up common law with business regulations...
The constitutions is for commerce, business regulations.
You can do what you want as a sovereign being, if your engaged with business in the public, (the are some grey areas) international business there are certain guidelines that must and shall be known, to protect those innocent for Example of being poisoned with toxic food.
There is a growing amount of evidence of a need to learn what LAW is...
I do not need a law course
I have graduated from that
I am much higher consciousness
I do not care what other people do. Courts do not produce facts. The constitution failed. Any power of one man over another is a violation of the natural law of freewill and has no place in God's land.
You should stop trying to change me. I do not try to change you. I just give you truth but if you live to your ego, we can barely communicate
QSI Telegram, learning about Quantum Stellar Financial System, Medbeds, Liberty/Freedom, Checks and Balances, disclosure, Ascension,💜♾️
Projection is very real.
Where do you believe you have graduated with much higher consciousness?
So much so your attempting at arguing your points here with less than accurate evidence?
You are actually on this page and sharing information that is not true on this page in which could be clouding others, corrupting others.
EGO is most definitely great to self check always.
Straight pictures could represent a more straight forward energy, crooked pictures might reflect crooked ways.
Have heard the excuses from some accounts that anonup didn't allow their pictures to be straight, kind of odd.
Seems more about you than about what is true...
"Truth is a force of nature"
I am connected to spirit. My third eye is open. I can access the akashic records,
I do not care what you think or believe.
I told you, I am a lighthouse. I came here just for that. If the truth and light I project does not resonate for you, move along.
I give you blessings, but I do not care what you think. I certainly do not need help from anybody,
I told you that I came here from the future. Peace out friend. I am sorry that you do not like my message.