It's good to have beliefs and be steadfast in them, but one thing that I've learned so far in this movement is that nothing is 100% definitive. This person is good, this person is bad, etc. We really don't know the truth fully....yet.
We are currently in a world of disinformation, up is down/left is right/left is left, good actors, bad actors, moves and countermoves, chaos in the name of "the art of war" ...and most of it isn't even for US.
It's ok to be confused and not be able to figure it all out. It's designed to be that way. It's not for us to know now.
The good thing is that you/we can decide what we give our energy to....when it feels too much, just let it go. We are here to enjoy the journey, not to be stressed about it. I have faith we will all get the truth in the end. Again, as we've been told - TRUTH belongs with the PEOPLE.
The search for truth should be supported and encouraged. As we all know, truth doesn't mind being questioned. There are many who are "paytriots" who work in shifts here and on all platforms to push narratives which is woefully transparent. We follow them with the thought that they are being fed information and perhaps there might be a glean of truth to pursue and research further. A great deal of information is being floated and we must discern truth from propaganda and utter fiction. The beauty of AU is that we can talk openly about anything. On the other hand, there are so many here who still want to remain in a particular narrative bubble and don't appreciate anyone rocking it, perhaps in the fear they will pop it. Of course we know the paytriots' motivations. Both stunt discussion and thus, pursuit of truth. Kim is spot on - no one is entirely "bad' or "good" so critical thinking and discernment are vital weapons in this war.