I've seen this little boy speak with his sister about the horrific evil they have experienced yet there is no emotion. There is only very matter-of-fact speech with chilling numbness. When there is severe trauma the mind can dissociate from the trauma. There is a disconnect and a separation from the experienced trauma. It's a survival instinct that happens automatically. The little boy and his sister were exposed to this evil through their parents, which involved Satanic rituals, murders, and pedophilia. CHILLING. They are damaged and defiled children. Extremely sad and horrific.
COMMENT FROM BEACHMILK: "Don’t worry because Snopes, CNN, Twitter, The New York Times, Facebook, and the trustworthy UK courts, have all ‘debunked’ this testimony, so don’t believe anything this child says because it is all pure fantasy, right?!"
WARNING: Highly disturbing verbal content.
Yes I recall that. I shared again via truth social. I can't watch it again but I can share it. So tired of clueless people not knowing what is happening to children etc.