I love every one of you, and all of you have a God-given purpose. Do not bend, do not break, and do not bend the knee. Fight Back!
Could the Superbowl be one way to get everyone awakened? There are known cases of human trafficking operators making profits based on the Superbowl, and almost everyone will be watching it in America--the whole world is watching. It will be between the Buc's (Bucks) and the Chiefs. This is SUPERBOWL 55 too. Imagine it just happens to be 55, what a shocker! I swear President Trump and his QTeam are time travelers sent to save us from ourselves and from the corrupt cabal. The Superbowl could awaken everyone. Booms.

The Super Bowl > Superb Owl is the perfect time to KICK OFF taking back our country. It's a great time to take over televisions with the Emergency Alert System cuz, "The World is Watching".
Last years Superb Owl viewers were 99.9 Million > Flip it > 666. [They] couldn't have pumped those #'s up to 100M just to look even better? No, cuz "Symbolism will be their downfall". Your family will have chips & dip on the 7th. Make sure you're the 'oddball' with popcorn.
These are not my words for the record. I copied and sent to a friend earlier from an AnonUp post I saw and thought it relevant to share here. It is from this originally:
vDarkness Falls
Juan OSavin's right. The Super Bowl > Superb Owl is the perfect time to KICK OFF taking back our country. It's a great time to take over televisions with t