Sharing the quest for ultimate consciousness ◉ Motivation and inspiration by concept ◉ Fostering awareness
I was born into a Catholic family, raised as a Catholic with all the sacraments included. Is was only at the age of 16-17 that hearing on TV the Pope referred to as "His Holiness" that I realized something was not right.
From that moment I began the transition period from religious Catholic to non-religious at all, until I reached my present stage, which is completely spiritual.
So it could be said that in a way, the Pope, the head of the Catholic Church, was the one who helped to turn me away from the church itself. I fully understand and accept titles such as "his majesty" "his royal highness" etc. since in most cases they originated from royal bloodlines. But "his holiness?" No way I could accept that.
Therefore, if the supreme head of the Catholic church is a "deceit" as a consequence everything under him is also a perceived deception.
You can replicate this thought pattern and apply it to every religious leader, of every religion, to reach the same conclusion.
Amen and well said. I went through a similar situation. I came from a Catholic family, the youngest of 8 kids. When I was younger, I am 55 now, I realized something was not right about the Catholic Church and what they stood for. I was in my teens. So I stopped going to church. I realized I only needed to speak to GOD. No one in between me and my Heavenly Father. Just GOD and JESUS.