This is a slogan that has never made sense to me
& I'm not sure the sheeple really GET what they're saying?!
"My Body My Choice."
100% agree
BEFORE you have sex.
But then
you CHOSE to have sex.
And then
you became pregnant.
NOW you're carrying another living Human Being
who has a RIGHT TO LIFE.
It's NO LONGER just YOUR body
& NO LONGER just YOUR choice.
So if you kill that innocent life
that is murder
& it is against the Law.
Why is that so hard to understand?
BTW, why did you get pregnant in the first place?
Hello Friend!
Have watched a few clips of angry, out of emotional control protestors on Rumble. One young woman even tried to pepper spray a couple with a "Life Wins" sign. Her pepper spray wouldn't work. 😂
From my view, they appear to be Mk-Ultra'd!
. . . maybe not human??
Blissful from my view!
Sweet Dreams 🕊🌍🌏🌎🕊
Many of Us are multidimensional Souls living in an infinite Universe. WE are More Powerful than the Oligarchs want us to Believe!
X 2!