Mama, Wife & Truther who wants to go Home to Real Space. Love my family & freedom. I am old(er) and have no patience for deception. MPL=10.
I'm really trying to understand the R v. W scotus ruling.
I get the whole "constitutional" thing - how this needs to be returned to the states.
It's the timing of it.
Both sides are going ape sheot - totally lost in emotions.
Will this stop Planned Parenthood and their agenda of horror?
Will this help unify us?
Not from what I'm seeing.
We need to be able to TALK - as adults.
There are so many complexities to this issue
and I am seeing too many patriots toss out stereotypes that make them look ridiculous.
We seriously need a UNIFYING event
we need to learn to TALK AGAIN with one another
instead of the way this system set out to do:
make us really good at yelling and defending
instead of
Thank you, Victoria. 💙 Knowing why is important, but only each individual can ferret that out.
The timing is to counteract as much as it is to move forward. We can't progress until we rid ourselves of false narratives. THEN we can create the ones meant to benefit all.
Why is everyone so emotional? They haven't faced down the truth that abortion is murder. They wish to absolve themselves, cause to see the truth is painful. Look at how those same people embraced the shot and that narrative. Each step forward is to wake them up. So many people live in denial of their beliefs, actions, and what the world truly is.
I know people who can't even talk about Ukraine without being combative. Some people won't ever be able to deal with the truth of our world or themselves. Do we stop trying to help? No.
Right now, we're diffusing bombs; or BQQQMS. We're clearing that path for disclosure and open discussions. We all need to be on the same page first, or at least in the same book.