Luke Bryan is an operative from this area. JS. Even a triple admitted it, HOW do I know THAT one was and is a triple? Because it married one.....twenty million dollar luciferian contract. "Like Luke for instance, not that talented, but that is what marketing is for" Most of us down here think he sounds like he has a frog in his throat. HAD MASSIVE keg parties where LOTS of folks congregated in our younger years, when I moved here. First time....we all thought it was weird that even though we knew other plantation owner types, most of us had never met him or known of him. ANYWAY< my two cents.
U.S.M.C. combat veteran/ Patriot/ The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life
Stephanie, I am lost on this Luke Bryan thing your talking about. Could you help a brother out and explain what the hell is going on,lol What is a triple ?
Triple strander, three dna strands, and also they move thru secret orgs.
You see their eyes going to slits, manifesting like Putin says Lizardbreath did, that kinda thing, is FROM their third devil strand. Insider admitted it. "Doctors" are not taught to look for it" I was told, we have x,y, they have one more strand, either a whole or half a strand.
U.S.M.C. combat veteran/ Patriot/ The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life
Okay , I am catching on . So your talking about the reptilians pretty much
Definitely. Well really the "demons who slept with human women and are them" those "boodlines" but yes.
U.S.M.C. combat veteran/ Patriot/ The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life
I never really caught on the the reptilian thing, for some reason. THe shape shifters and such. WHo the hell knows this day and time.
So these demons that slept with human women, were they the same as the fallen angels spoke about in the Bible ?
Yes, exactly. I just call them lizards cause it pisses them devils off. AND they are ugly and they know it. lol
They actually exalt the ones with the most devil dna, and why they intermarry, to keep that dark ass dna going. UGH> Chick I got disclosure from pre net, bloodliner first one to tell me about them manifesting. Very in depth. Said its "mom" first time she could remember, manifested at like three, and slammed her against a wall for asking for water. Said each time, it slapped her harder into the wall. I was like WHAT fookin FOR. She said they are taught, "trust no one" and "even if they don't win, in their lifetime, it is okay to keep WORKING towards" the NWO shit they wanted. CREEPY shit, that one said it was given to a politician to be raped by its own freaking "parents"