Sometimes what you think of someone else is a reflection of yourself! @StBernard on TS
Hope they found the heirloom seed vaults that they saved for them and not us.
Im pretty sure Gates was involved
The doomsday vault: the seeds that could save a post-apocalyptic world | Conservation | The Guardian
<strong>The long read:</strong> Set in an Arctic mountainside, the Svalbard seed bank contains the world’s most prized crops. But a row has erupted over whether this is the best hope of feeding the world after a catastrophe or just an overpriced deep freeze told the good ones, it was for continuance of humanity but was not for us, for them, yep. AND GITMO GATES should be that devils name.
Yes Stephanie, I remember many years ago that the "scientists" were braggin' about their brilliance in saving the "world", just in case of Nuclear disaster ... (brought on by the cabal) .. so they had created this seed vault of every known seed in the world. Spoke about its vastness and how it was underground to keep everything dormant ... (in Antarctica). Well doesn't that just all add up!
If I know this, the white hats know it ... I just have a very long memory and this was published as a History special on PBS, well before cable was common place.
YEP!!!! Exactly.