Actual prison wall around DC in yellow. First time in American history this has occurred. Owl captured.
military strategy 101,
encircle the enemy.
no one escapes this.
just some Q-uick Q-uestions to demon-cr-Rats,
pedo-c-Rats,rino-c-Rats , P-(edo)otus and all
creatures that fought DJT on builind the WALL,
why, Why do you have a wall around your conpound?
a steel wall? walls dont work you told us.
is your wall electrified?
do you have a permit from city hall ?
how about an excecutive order from our pedo in chief
where all gov employees no longer allowed to call it a wall?
what shall we call it?
how about
metallic restraining mechanisim for environmental
control of swamp creatures?
of course the movie producer has the last word.
popcorn please