“Life is never quite what it appears but it is filled with light and color!” #MAGA #fromdarktolight #Godalwayswins
Someone please tell me what news media can be trusted? I follow OAN and Right Side. Is it true that that CEO of Newsmax stepped down?
Dr. Charlie Ward
Simon Parkes
Scott McKay
Beach Broadcast
X22 Report
And We Know
Michael Jaco.......
That's a good start

simon parks thinks his moms and alien
Charlie ward is a liar
scott doesn't provide sources and listens to nuts like Charlie and Simon
only one that sounds normal is x22
the other two no idea

God, Country, Patriot. Raising my beautiful granddaughter. Praying for our New Republic. WWG1 WGA
So if you supply your sources, you don't have the sources anymore and the information stops and people's lives go in danger. Clearly much you don't understand.I hope you can move to 5D. Many Blessings going forward.