Ego should have no place, in the heart of man! Numquam Cedere -Never Surrender ***5 Year Active Duty Veteran- Operation Desert Fox.
I have already experienced something akin to what all of us are going through today.
I was awake in 2012 ( actually much longer) and there were people in the so called truth movement that talked about mass arrests, NESARA/GESARA, Looking Glass, MIlitary action, DUMBS and gold.
I walked out the front door of my old house in early spring and thought to myself " I am going to miss this place". Not the house, but the time frame.
I was dismayed when none of the things prophesied happened.
I feel like we have been in a time loop. I cannot see the final outcome, but I know that something happened back in 2012.
Every day is a small miracle, I did not think I was going to live to the age I am at. God gave me a second chance.
A fly on a TV screen does not see the big picture. It is when we take a 40,000 foot view that we see the wholeness of creation.
Discernment is critical.
Interesting info
galactic info, solar flash, other worlds starseed ... etc
Energetic Connection; Melchizedek; King of Righteousness.
I've been trying to share this link and have not been able to.
This is the Most honest take on what is going on at this time. I think it's interesting to watch information as it is finally disclosed. What is in the interview?
‘Disclosure Next Level.’
‘Future Us.’ ‘Guardian Race.’
Stay I Your Present; Be of Pure Intent.
‘Constitutional Republic and the Positive Time Line.’
Perez thinking by 2028 but Feels Much Sooner.
‘Oh: and the Star of Sirius….’
TheGrandSolarFlash is still gonna knock some off Us on Our ass; momentarily.
Thinking AU is full of “LightWorkers.”
so glad it resonated with you too. I'm just "oh that makes sense!"
I keep listening to it, he's packed a lot of info in there. (here)
Energetic Connection; Melchizedek; King of Righteousness.
How it Resonates is Our Knowing! Right there with You!
It validates a great deal!