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We are ONE. Family is everything. Mom of 3 amazing girls, wife of 1 handsome and loving husband
I've seen some mean comments and I have to say it doesn't feel loving or kind or compassionate. Never been a Justin fan...but to say that he deserve this because he got the jab...FOOK YOU. Not cool. If he is a pedo or satanic...Let God take care of it. We are supposed to pray for those who can still be saved from the grips of hell.
Also, taking the jab doesn't mean you are going to hell. It means you were too brainwashed to understand what was going on. Look at all the people who got jabbed in each of our families-do you think they are all stupid, or ignorant, didn't listen to God or evil?That is what they have accused us "anti-vaxxers" of being. Why play their game?
For some reason God or Creator had us wake up, but that doesn't make us better than anyone else. It means we have to be better, we have to behave better. It means we have to love and be there for others when the time comes. BE READY.
We never know what another person is going through at any given time.
Who am I to judge, my life has been kinda crazy at times.
God always gives us a chance to turn away from our pasts...
That said, I do not rejoice in anyone elses' pain or shortcomings.

We are ONE. Family is everything. Mom of 3 amazing girls, wife of 1 handsome and loving husband
Sometimes I can be a bit preachy, and I apologize for that. I've also done some crazy things that I've had to ask God for big forgiveness for(along with the hurt parties involved). I want to cheer everyone on to look to God for eternal life. All I know is when I see someone like Beiber, who has obviously not had it easy from the very beginning...the mom instinct comes full blast, and I pray for him and others like him whether born into or groomed into that horrible life, to be free of evil.
I'm tired of being angry at the world, there is a place for it, but right now love seems to be really important.❤️