🤷‍♀️ Does anyone understand what's going on here?


We hold these truths to be self evident, all men are created equal, endowed by their creator with rights to life, liberty and happiness.

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

Too bad she didn't feel more allegiance to her father. I can't imagine how her dad feels.

In response Made In America to her Publication

Do you think these are Chess moves
or do you think Jared & Ivanka are Black Hats?
How is that possible??

Mom, Granny, # Christian and #RedPilled for years . #GodBlessPresidentTrump #TheBestIsYetToCome

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

Possible Chess moves, however I think ( not 100% sure) that Ivanka and Jared went to the island, although that may have been to scope it out.
Also Jared seemed to have been changed out, but people seemed to get it into their heads that he was the antiChrist even though he is not from where the AntiChrist will arise from, so that may have been for his safety.
I cant imagine Pres Trump would have allowed Ivanka to marry the AntiChrist or anyone too off the path. I also think there is deliberately much propaganda and bs deliberatly thrown their way.
I am more inclined to think that when Jared Dad went to prison , Jared who had been brought up in those circles and knows things , went White Hat

In response Sunny Star to her Publication

In my heart, I go along with your last point, Sunny🙏

As for the antichrist,
Juan O Savin said it's Prince William.
PW was conceived & born on a specific Star alignment.

Juan O Savin
Prince William is the 1,000th Knight of the Round Table.
In Gematria you drop the zeros. What is he?
The Round Table is the Order of the Garter..
which is a breeding program for the royal families..
These knights are the family members
deciding which family members marry which other ones
in order the strengthen the bloodlines..
Understand this perspective of the British
& other Royal bloodlines on the Middle East & their role out
As part of the Balfour Declaration
it specifies that the British crown retains the authority..
governing the new Nation State of Israel, at THEIR will..

Q The Storm Rider
[Ruling bloodline families]
wanted to become Kings of the Jews
against the will of the Jewish people

You would think elite dna has full head of hair in there code.

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

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"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

They all seem more delete than elite.

Professional Free Spirit ✨ On a Mission for Mother Hearth💚 #KennedyVision Ambassador 🕊️ #FamilyIsEverything💖

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

Maybe is more Diana's son than [their] heir...

CalmInTheStorm 🇺🇸 FollowerOfJesus * FamilyIsEverything * Eph 6 ArmorOfGod * 2 Timothy 1:7 * PrayerWarrior/Writer/Researcher

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication


In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication


In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

It's when you post things like this that I really appreciate you☺️

Dark to light. Truth and freedom to the world. Send the demons back to hell. The Revolution will not be televised. God Wins.

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

LoL..... that's some DNA i would need...😂

Jesus is my Savior! Patriot, Wife, Mother, Grammie to 7 great kiddos. Daughter of WW2 Veteran. #FamilyisEverything I love President Trump!

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication


Knowing who really we are🙏✨ True Consciousness Creates Harmonic Circulation. 🌎💞☯️💞◯=♾☺️   Armor of Source Almighty🙏✨

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

Q 218

Look what your numbers confirmed.

29 sandwiched 66 with 17💥💥💥

The Great Awakening, Trump ... and Q - Photographer, Writer ... Motorcycles! Virgin Mary, Parsifal Jinpa movie, wwg1wgaworldwide ... no DM

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

Only followers of this user (@Kimber333) can see their posts

Grandma to four boys,Floral Designer. Love this Country, Law Enforcement and our Military! Proud Trump Supporter🌹🌸🌻🇺🇸

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

They are’nt even the rghtful heirs. They hid the real ones abd took power from them. Don’t onow for sure but thats what I have heard.

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In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

You make a good point. Most of the royals have a full head of hair. You're a nut VK. That made me laugh out loud!

🍰 Baker of Qakes, Truth-seeker 🔍, Proud deplorable🇺🇸, Jesus is King 🌟 Q !..🐸 God Bless us all 🙏🏻

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

LMAO... OMG that was a hard belly laugh VK... TY😂😂😂

If Twitler was the battlefield, anonup is the celebration ITS NOT OVER, might as well laugh along the way

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

emperor with no clothes and apparently no hair either lol

Mother of many, Richest woman in the world, lovey.

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

God won't allow it.
Sign of His judgement
Biblically, it signifies the loss of the intelligence of truth and the wisdom of good.
*Not intended judgement for all balding men, only the bad ones.

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

Misspelled there

No hair on these evil LongTails!
And the longer the tail the more Royal Nana understands.

Blunt to the point of abrasive..I shoot from the hip.. AM directed by the heart .. tempered by the 🧠

In response Angels Here -Z to her Publication

white winged ones r royalty

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Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

Nana agrees with Juan and Kat.
This is our Real enemy and has been really the whole time they just mask where the evil originates well.

As for the hair Nana has seen more ETs without hair than with it, so idk.


In response Angels Here -Z to her Publication
In response Angels Here -Z to her Publication

💯 Nana

👇This is what Durham has PROVEN in court

1-6-20 Juan O Savin
“The dossier trying to take Trump out
before he was even elected..
that dossier was created & foisted on America
through traitorous American citizens
working from Foreign soil in London
in cooperation with Foreign agents [MI5 & 6]
& American agents [CIA, FBI]
Stefan A. Halper
[American foreign policy scholar
& ret. Sr. Fellow@the University of Cambridge, UK]
the 'genius' that figured this whole thing out
to go after Papadopoulos,
try to honey-pot him & take him out
that was Halper
who is the unindicted co-conspirator from Iran-Contra.
We got lots of players here that have a history
in the American Intelligence Agencies in on this.
CIA totally traitorous.
That’s why, going back to Kennedy & before
Truman himself said,
“If I’d realized I was creating the American Gestapo
I would NEVER have done it”
Truman himself regretted
having authorized the creation of CIA.”

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In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

🍰 Baker of Qakes, Truth-seeker 🔍, Proud deplorable🇺🇸, Jesus is King 🌟 Q !..🐸 God Bless us all 🙏🏻

In response Mod3rn Mus3 to her Publication

LOL LOL LOL.... You guys are killing me, my side hurts!!😂😂

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In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

Broken DNA. Inbreeding...

🍰 Baker of Qakes, Truth-seeker 🔍, Proud deplorable🇺🇸, Jesus is King 🌟 Q !..🐸 God Bless us all 🙏🏻

In response Johnny Q -Z to his Publication


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In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

Maybe it is their diet....🧛‍♂️🧛‍♀️

I AM Divine Love!❤️ I AM Divine Light!🌟 I AM Divine Truth! 🗡 I AM Divine Gratitude! ✝️ I AM Divine Perfection! 😇 I AM! ❤️

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

You Would Think Elite DNA Has Full Head Of Hair In There Code=528
Misspellings matter.....528 Hz is the Love Frequency 💗

He Is The Root And The Offspring Of David And Is Not Lying=528
There Is Still Much That Needs To Come Out And It Will=528
God Bless America And All The Other Countries In The World=528

Whosoever Believeth On Me Should Not Abide In Darkness=528
I Love You Father And I Stand With You In Full Armor=528
I Will Not Leave You As Orphans I Will Come To You=528
I Did Not Come To Judge The World But To Save The World=528

Being Able To See Yourself In Others Is A Gift Of Insight=528
I Do Not Have Visions But Rather I Have Understanding=528
We All Are Wanting To Be Loved And Feel Good With One Another=528

All The Glory To The Most High Lord God Jesus Christ=528
The Reason For Everyone And Everything's Existence=528
The Grace Of Our Lord Jesus Christ Be With You All Amen=528

A Revelation Of Jesus Christ Chapter One Verse Four=528

6 Pics

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

Inbreeding depression

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication


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In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

They don’t have “good hair.”

🍰 Baker of Qakes, Truth-seeker 🔍, Proud deplorable🇺🇸, Jesus is King 🌟 Q !..🐸 God Bless us all 🙏🏻

In response Keri Alexander to her Publication

There is NOTHING good about them, so no surprise no "good" hair.. LOL LOL😂🙌

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In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

Heirlines 😹

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

I was thinking the same thing.👍

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

Love it! Happy Aloha Fryday, VK 🤙🤙