
What is the Real Story Here????? Polk Sheriff Grady Judd never has any issues when he takes down Child Porn individuals

We share very few sentiments with our government.

#Yeshua #DigitalSoldier ... Adonai demands of you — no more than to act justly, love grace and walk in purity with your God. ~ Micah 6:8
I'm going out on a limb here....
Schwarzenberger = Black mountain.
Apparently the reason the Titanic sank was because the lookers didnt see the iceberg because they where viewing the dark side of thd iceberg!! caught unawares!!
Alfin was one of the names used in medieval times for the chess piece.. Bishop... what is the function of the Bishop??
"Bishops are strongest in endgames with pawns remaining on both sides of the board. This situation allows them to use their long-range capability to its fullest and minimizes the handicap of only being able to access one color of squares."
( I

#Yeshua #DigitalSoldier ... Adonai demands of you — no more than to act justly, love grace and walk in purity with your God. ~ Micah 6:8
(I dont know how to play chess.... maybe someone ekse has more ibsight) said 😊💥💥💥

imo it all links to human trafficking discovered by Timothy Charles Holmseth in Broward Co FL- Ukraine to Washingtin Embassy- Biden, Pence, & more...Black Rock links?.. Bishops definitely involved- they trafficked them through church adoptions- Remember Trump holding up Bible in DC..that is one of churches involved! The Bible was indicating justice for childen! Fire started in nursery where evidence stored but white hats had it all!

Alfin = final?
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As soon as I saw the news on this it rang alarm bells in my head . Mm.... nothing suss ! 🤔🧐

Recently purged from Twitter, was banned from Fb for 2 yrs. #SaveTheChildren #GodWins #TrumpIsMyPresident WWG1WGA

Patriot who loves God, my family and the USA ! USAF Retired. F-4 Phantons Phorever. Trump, Flynn, JFK Jr, Elvis. In the end, GOD WINS !
I have personally talked to an FBI agent that is ashamed at what it has become !

#Lukewarmisforlostsouls I don't bow to darkness. I look it in the eyes and let the Holy Spirit take the lead.

in a world full of 🐑, be the 🦬. move forward even if it means taking the stairs. music is life. excuse us while we sing to the sky tøp.
broken system. please God fix it!

This happened on Water Terrace in Broward county. 🤔

what do uou mean ?

I think no FBI agents actually died, but rather this is to wake up the masses of child porn. Preperation for declas at Trump's impeachment.

They plan, God laughs, God wins, God always wins! 🙏🏻 President Trump is my president. 💖🤍💙 WWG1WGA Worldwide 🌎