Got up and punched a window pane out. Folks should learn when to leave someone the fook alone. STILL gonna have a good day. PERIOD> Happy weekend patriots.

Kiwi. Truther ,Like Trump, WWG1WGA
OH snap,i did that once..a certain person would not exit fast enough,so i pucnhed out the ranch slider-lacerated my hand,fainted-went to hosp said i fell over the dog😂 she knew i was fibbing.-then the certain person told folks i was like mike tyson smashing the glass out😏

😂🤣🤣See YOU are another prime example of CHILLING, and when those types push to hard, it is on ham bone. lololololol

Kiwi. Truther ,Like Trump, WWG1WGA
It was dumb, got an owie and a 300 dollar glass repair bill..🤣
Yeah well, you were pissed. Period.