Viruses are NOT what people think they are. They are the by-product of a body detoxing, which manifests as “illness.” They are the RESULT of the body fighting and revovering from infection.
Human (mammalian) illness is caused by parasitic infection. If “monkey pox” is the result of parasitic infection, then the answer to your question is “Yes, HCQ, Ivermectin and any other parasiticide will aid in recovery.”
But “monkey pox” is a narrative. The timing is disgusting - days before a vote in Davos, Switzerland to hand national sovereignty over to the WHO/UN in the event of a “future pandemic” we are suddenly faced with the next “pandemic” - the very justification to send in UN troops (invasion force) to enforce “pandemic protocols.”
We must be very near the end of this “movie” OR the whole thing has been an elaborate hoax on all of humanity. I subscribe to the “movie” theory personally, and will fight to the end.
Time to sift-in Revelations. Seeing ears, hearing eyes.