We are almost done with the anti-troll feature. Users will help keep the site clean free of these Porn posters trying to ruin the site experience.

To bad you can't make one for real life

Porn posters barf.

one world undivided with liberty and justice for all https://twitter.com/verndewd https://www.bitchute.com/channel/UnlManuURgPw/
just because of that this will replace q research boards in no time.

Child of God. ❤️🇺🇸 Family is everything. Proud Navy mom and Grandma. Deepest love and respect for the USA and her symbols. Back the Blue!
Koba...you are the best! My senior eyes really sppreciate it! God bless!

“Life has two rules: # 1 never quit # 2 always remember rule # 1”
parler was so full of that stuff. i deleted my account 2 days after i opened it

Christian-Freedom loving Patriot-who prays soon common courtesy/respect for one another will Grace this Nation/World again
Great job Koba.... you" re AWESOME

Survivor of almost being killed by a drunk driver, Trump is and will always be my president 🇺🇸 we must destroy the evilness
thank you i got hit with the gay porn . you where fast to the response once reported. im really dont wanna see that crap on my profile. appreciate the fast actions.

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou
Thank you hun you are the best, they are just sick little insecure sobs.

You are fast! Thank you so much for the wonderful response!!!

can you name it "instablock"? 😂 just a suggestion.😉

ill say it again.....if you build it......they will come!😊

Thank you Kobayashi for giving us this safe platform to use, your hard work is very much appreciated by all ! I also had one of these pervs try to send me porn too, also they kept changing their profile pic from an old man, to a puppy then last straw they said they were Donald Trump following me ! I finally worked out how to block them !
I had quite a few nice people that tried to help me with this issue !
Once again well done for setting up improvements like the anti troll feature ! 🤗👏🏼🙂🕊🦋

Lightworker Pleiadian Truthseeker Galactic Federation of Light🙌Intuitive Empath🙌🙏🙏👼
good they just did it to me here!

It's not about me it's about US, all of humanity! 💖🌏
You're the BEST! Thank you so very much!!!

God has already won. ✨🙏🏼✨ Eternal optimist, truth seeker, deep thinker, Gen X, Ninja, Leo, INTJ and always barefoot. Stay shiny frens! 😊
Thank you Patriot! 👍🏻😎

Thank you!! OMG just had a horrible horrible one and couldn't figure out how to delete it! YIKES! Otherwise, love this site 💓🙏

WWG1 WGA Worldwide 💜Time for justice.. bring on the pain! We need to save the children Worldwide! Purged from Twitter and Facebook 😜
yay thank you!!! Yoe are working so hard to give us an awesome platform and these dimwits think they can ruin it...bless you for all your help!

Is there any plans to implement group chatrooms where we can invite/kick out/ name the group chat anything we want?

🙏 GOD WON. 🙏 Jesus is the Way. 🙏 Love Won. ❤️ Love and Light ⭐️💙WWG1WGA 🕯I Love All Y’all 🥰 #KennedyVision #FamilyIsEverything 💙☀️🦋
Thank you 🙏

Happiness can be found in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light! 🕯️❤️🙏 God's Warrior of truth and light!
The GIFS are infiltrated to...just FYI

"When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on." -Franklin D. Roosevelt
I just had one post some gay porn to a comment I made on a post. Completely fired me up!!

Patriot Truth Seeker / Researcher Scorpio Native Texas Southerner
me too!! grrrr

YOU ARE DOING GREAT WORK KOBA!! THANK YOU!! PLEASE REMOVE THIS ACCOUNT, THEY ARE POSTING GAY PORN IN COMMENTS. THANK YOU!! KEEP DOING ALL YOU DO!! AWESOME PLATFORM!! HERE IT IS!! Mycology Of Maga@mycoiogyofmaga 1 minute ago FOLLOW Mycology Of Maga@mycoiogyofmaga 0 Following 1 Followers In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

In saw that one too but was unable to block it or report it. I have done that before but couldn't find how to this time.

In saw that one too but was unable to block it or report it. I have done that before but couldn't find how to this time.

I deleted the pic and changed my privacy settings. I wont open a DM unless its from a trusted source. I never should have put myself in a position where a) i allowed just anyone to DM and b) opened it. Thank you for doing what you are able to do to try to prevent these pics from getting through.

Thank you doll! We'll all try to do our part

Mom, Wife, Business Owner. Trust God has a plan. Family is Everything.
please explain how to block members who are posting foul disgusting photos?
Only followers of this user (@Prayerz777) can see their posts

Hope@administrator sees this. You are about to lose this platform if you can't find a away to stop the porn. "They" are trying to destory it by turning it into a porn site. User help is not going to be enought.
If you can't click on anything without free of porn popping up you won't have a platform
You have got to stop it and delete all of their posts that have been posted and share.

please, how do we get rid of this disgusting trolls posting digusting pics

Here for my awesome online family and 1A. Not looking for anything other than friendship. Intuitive Empath, love GOD FAMILY and my COUNTRY
Thank you. my daughter saw the last one.

American Patriot, Wellness Warrior, Seeker of Truth-Freedom. Life Liberty & the Pursuit of Happiness. Live in Abundance
Thank you! 🙌🏻😊🙌🏻