Gonna be GLORIOUS❤️ Co-Chair @ Memetrunk.com
What I don’t tell my Normie friends & family when they ask me what I do all day (since I don’t have a ‘Job’)-
-Cook & juice for my family
-Drink (Distilled) water
-Workout & walk my doGs
-Research & learn
-Create, collect & archive memes
-Post & participate cross-platform
-Connect with online Frens🐸
-Laundry…oh the laundry♾
-Strengthen my relationship with God/pray
-Sit outside/ground/Earth
-And all the typical mom-stuff in between
I wouldn’t want to be doing anything else🙏🏻
same here…whenever someone asks me for some reason I dont know what to say, so I respond “nothing” 🤣
We hold these truths to be self evident, all men are created equal, endowed by their creator with rights to life, liberty and happiness.
Don’t do that!!! What WE do is valueable. Not everyone can raise kids, keep a home, bake, cook, garden, nurturer, be errand runner, doctor, nurse, councilor, chef, etc, all at the same time. We’ve allowed people to degenerate what we do so much that even we don’t realize how important our job is. We do what NO ONE else can do, we give life. Then for the rest of out lives, we never stop being caretaker and giver. We’re magicians. You can’t put a price on what we do.
so true! thank you 😊
Mama, Wife & Truther who wants to go Home to Real Space. Love my family & freedom. I am old(er) and have no patience for deception. MPL=10.
woot woot! yes! (although I got a price - 2.5 million salary would be good - the system seriously owes us SAHM - BIGLY - and dad's too who stay at home)
Gonna be GLORIOUS❤️ Co-Chair @ Memetrunk.com
Lol, me to, "not much." They probably think I'm the laziest person ever😂