If a “micro nova” could be a “great solar flash” - then I agree.
Link below is to a wonderful truther - Linda Paris - talking about the “cataclysmic event” that we are anticipating & that it NEEDS to be this great solar flash.
“The Flash” will do something to our DNA - we will be able to re-access past life memories (no reincarnation is NOT anti-Christian - the RESURRECTION of Jesus Christ is a case in point), abilities that we didn’t think we had because we’ve been held back by the Cabal.
The Flash is either the end or beginning of the Earth’s transition to a higher vibrational frequency (ie. 5D) & those of us who are ready will move with the Earth. The Reptilians & their hybrid humans who ascribe to lower vibe timelines (where we see all the COVID/NWO BS) cannot go - they cannot suvive in 5D. I believe the COVID injections alter DNA to try & stop our ascension.

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Guide To Raise Your Vibrational Frequency & Consciousness
What Is Human Vibrational Frequency? Everyone and everything has a vibrational frequency (also known as your aura, energy body, light body, life energy, soul, spirit, or essence) and your body is healthier and able to function better at a higher frequency. This means your body becomes emotionally, p..
A micro nova would be a Great Solar Flash for sure. Depending on the strength, and strength of Earths Magnetic field, it could easily kill everyone that is on the Sun facing side of the Earth when the particles hit, or everyone on the Earth. Those people would indeed ascend to 5D, because that's what reality is like without these biochemical body machines.