My son in law and daughter both had bouts of shingles. His entire lower back and top half of his buttocks were covered with blisters. He couldn't dress or wear anything during his outbreaks. I felt so bad for him because I knew he was miserable. She, on the other hand, had break outs between her legs, pubic area, and lower back. All you could do was offer to help out around the house. They were both miserable.
Did both get jabs? 😬
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No, but they both had childhood vaccinations. For whatever reason, not everyone that had the childhood vaccinations get shingles. My husband has occasional outbreaks of shingles, but nothing like I've seen in these 2 family members. According the Chiropractor I worked for, "shingles is a sure sign your immune system has gone hay wired and your skin is the last defense." He said "you'll never see shingles in an unvaccinated person."