Hunting rabbits deep down the Rabbit holes! Space! Politics! Military! Photography! Hollyweird! Big med! Cabal! God’s Universe! Children!
Me, my camera and the night sky!
Excellent. What you using to shoot?

Hunting rabbits deep down the Rabbit holes! Space! Politics! Military! Photography! Hollyweird! Big med! Cabal! God’s Universe! Children!
Nikon D850 and 200-500 f5.6 Zoom. Best last camera before everyone went mirrorless.

Was just going to ask what lens/setting you were using?
saw VK already inquired, so "ditto"

Hunting rabbits deep down the Rabbit holes! Space! Politics! Military! Photography! Hollyweird! Big med! Cabal! God’s Universe! Children!
Working with higher iso 3200 on the blood moon(lower light) with about 3 second exposure, some longer, as more light came in and I got some space cowboys in the next set I posted using 200 iso f 13 and 14 for 1/160th of a second.