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Q follower Arizona #KAG Patriot who loves God and Country #MAGA Trump/JFKJr 2020 #SaveTheChildren Evil Won't Survive in 5D

In response Coug girl7 to her Publication

The mystery of Orion: Why are so many ancient structures oriented towards Orion??

“What is above is similar to what is below,” this principle is illustrated by the Egyptian pyramids, which are terrestrial copies, a three-dimensional map, an imitation of the brightest stars in Orion. And not just those structures. The two pyramids of Teotihuacán, along with the Quetzalcoatl temple, are located in the same way.
Believe it or not, some researchers have noted similarities between the Orion belt and three large Martian volcanoes. Just a coincidence? Or are they artificial and not volcanoes?… We are not sure. Perhaps these “signs” were left on all the planets in the solar system, and the list is endless. But this is not the main point. What did the ancient pyramid builders mean? What idea did they try to convey to their distant descendants?

Indigo starseed van Sirius. Onze missie op aarde als één enorme collectieve kracht is om eenheid te verspreiden! ❣wwg1wga❣

In response Q2Infinity 5D Earth to her Publication

There is an energy source coming from Orion which is universal energy. It is "beamed" to the top of the pyramid and those who experience this energy receive enlightenment through their crown chakra.

The Egyptians opened their eyes and they would use these external energy sources as amplifiers, much like psychoactive drugs that some in our world take.

Indigo starseed van Sirius. Onze missie op aarde als één enorme collectieve kracht is om eenheid te verspreiden! ❣wwg1wga❣

In response Nadia Naadje to her Publication

The kundalini will open many chakras at once, but the practice of focus was appropriate here. They focused on one chakra at a time to connect with certain energies and this was for the sake of receiving guidance, or for healing, learning, to feel a certain way themselves. Or to let you know that you feel better when you meditate and open your chakras, especially the upper ones.

So depending on what they had to learn, experience or heal, they would choose the right chakra or combination of chakras. This facilitated the Ascension process.

They did this so that they could apply higher knowledge of beings in the higher realms to situations they had on Earth, which is a lower realm

Indigo starseed van Sirius. Onze missie op aarde als één enorme collectieve kracht is om eenheid te verspreiden! ❣wwg1wga❣

In response Nadia Naadje to her Publication

Information comes from the book The Galactic Federation: From Beyond this world by Sharon Stewart. I recommend all her books to you to learn our real history and much more information about the Universe, the Galactics etc.

Q follower Arizona #KAG Patriot who loves God and Country #MAGA Trump/JFKJr 2020 #SaveTheChildren Evil Won't Survive in 5D

In response Nadia Naadje to her Publication

I'll look into the book, but there are 20-40 I have to buy (when I have money). I have not heard of this woman or the book. Who is she connected to (as in sharing information with): Dr. Salla, Alex Collier, Richard Dolan, any of the SSP soldiers, etc. Who is sharing information about her and her book?

She is an incarnate starseed of Vega. She incarnated here to channel beings of light and to spread information through books. She channels her twin flame Ivo and Ashtar Sheran the leader of the Galactic Federation in her books and also has a page where she channels more beings of light and a youtube channel where she shares daily updates on what is going on right now. I will share the link of her page and of her Youtube channel here. page: and Youtube:

In response Q2Infinity 5D Earth to her Publication

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Q follower Arizona #KAG Patriot who loves God and Country #MAGA Trump/JFKJr 2020 #SaveTheChildren Evil Won't Survive in 5D

In response Nadia Naadje to her Publication

I'm skeptical because I know there is a Galactic Federation of Worlds, but haven't heard of just a Galactic Federation. Ashtar Sheran rings a bell, but I'm not sure if that's in a good way. I'll check into it.

If you follow Elena Danaan and Michael Salla, I know the information is truthful 100%.

Indigo starseed van Sirius. Onze missie op aarde als één enorme collectieve kracht is om eenheid te verspreiden! ❣wwg1wga❣

In response Q2Infinity 5D Earth to her Publication

Ashtar Sheran is very well known in the Universe. He is the leader of the Galactic Army created just after negative creatures began looting planets and enslaving inhabitants. He works directly under God with Jesus on the Jerusalem ship. They work with Trump, Putin and the Alliance. Our planet is their final mission to clear the darkness here. I don't know the names you mention I'll look them up thank you and have a nice day

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